
Hi-Tech CLA 1000 Non-Stimulant Fat Burner Explained

Hi-Tech CLA 1000 Non-Stimulant Fat Burner Explained

Video Transcription:

Hey guys, this is Jeff and Edwin from Best Price Nutrition. You can shop online at You can also find us on all the social media channels. And if you like these videos right down below, you can hit that subscribe and that bell button, and you'll be notified whenever we do some amazing videos like you're about to see right now.

Today we're going to be talking about CLA 1000 from High Tech Pharmaceuticals. I'm here again with Edwin, he's our onsite expert on all things supplements and fat loss and all that good stuff. Today I wanted to bring him in and with it being the spring, a lot of people dieting and everything, we're getting a lot more questions about CLA and how it can help you. Can you give us a little idea of what CLA is and why people should use it?

Yeah. So CLA is... And the abbreviation, it stands for conjugated linoleic acid. It is a three form fatty acid that when it goes into your body, it actually will bind to fat cells and basically start burning its way from the inside out. Helps to actually reduce the fat cell size, so that way it's actually easier to burn off throughout the day. At the same time, can actually help in terms of boosting your overall metabolism.

Okay. So overall just a great fat loss supplement. Now, if somebody wants to take this, do they take it alone? Should they stack it with something? Because these are non-stimulant, correct?

Correct. Yeah.

So there's going to be no stimulants in them. But what if somebody wants to feel that or get some extra boost? Can we stack this with other products that have stimulants?

Absolutely. Yeah. Taking a thermo genetic fat burner for those who can actually handle stimulants, by all means, go for it. But it can be taken as a standalone as well and it works great that way too. It does need to be taken multiple times a day. I know the recommended dose is normally around 3.4 grams. You probably want to take about four soft gels a day to say.

And because this is a fat, should you take it with food?

Yes. Yes, absolutely. Any kind of oil based supplement in general, should be taken with food just so it can actually bind to the fatty tissue properly instead of just going down and letting your gastric system pretty much burn away at the soft gel.

Okay. That's a common question. We get a lot of people want to know if they can stack it together. Being a fat burner, can men and women take this? Is there-

Absolutely. Anybody could take it.

... any kind of dosing protocol? If on average men are going to weigh more than women, should the dosing be different or is it still the three to four grams you're recommending per day?

I believe that 3.4 grams was based off of for both men and women. If you feel like you need to up it, honestly you can. There would be nothing wrong with that. Like I said, because it is non-stimulating, you don't have to worry about any kind of caffeine jitters or anything like that. If you want to up to about 5,000 milligrams, 6,000 milligrams a day, that's perfectly fine.

Okay. Now, it's specifically marked as a fat loss product, but I've seen people also use it when they're trying to increase lean muscle as well. Have you heard of anything to help with that, as far as the CLA goes?

Yeah. Anytime you start stripping off fat from the muscle cell itself, overall your body will just help and suppress fat. Not suppress, just help keep on all the lean muscle tissue that you have. For example, if you are in a caloric deficit, instead of trying to waste muscle mass at the same time, this can actually help hold onto that muscle mass. That way, when you are a bit leaner, your muscles do actually pop out a little more.

Gotcha. Okay. And with this, it not being a stimulant, is there any cycling regimen you should take? Three months on, a month off? Or can you take it constantly?

No. CLA actually is supplements that you're supposed to take on a constant basis. Your body does need to assimilate it and actually recognize that it's there for quite a bit, before it actually does fully get put into use. Honestly, this is actually a product that I take year round. I take it with all my meals pretty much, and I continuously take it. I can't stop it to be honest with you.

You haven't noticed any side effects? Any negative side effects, positive side effects? Could be weight loss in muscle building.


But anything negative that you've ever noticed and you have heard?

No, not at all, to be honest with you. It works very similar to how you've taken any other fat sources. Any kind of [inaudible 00:04:38] or anything like that, omegas, works very similar to that.

Okay. This is a pretty inexpensive product, at least on 90 capsules here, looks like soft gels, and each soft gel is one gram. You're saying take three to four of these a day?

A day. Yeah.

Okay. So one of these bottles, and I'm not sure how much it is on the site, but it's pretty inexpensive like I said, it's going to probably last you around a month. It's a pretty cheap additive, I guess, to anybody that's trying to diet or using another product.

I think you've answered every question that we get on this product. If you have any questions, you can actually go to We have a chat function there. You can email us, you can call us, we're here to help you. Don't hesitate to ask.

Again, if you like this video, right down below, or over there, or somewhere over here, there is a subscribe button. Subscribe to our videos. We love it. Builds us up. Again, Jeff and Edwin Thanks guys.

May 20th 2023

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