
Healthy Homemade Starbucks Green Tea Frappuccino Recipe

Healthy Homemade Starbucks Green Tea Frappuccino Recipe


We all have that one favorite treat that'll either quickly eliminate our coveted calorie deficit, or leave us with some serious sugar regret. One popular & yummy treat (that we love), is the Starbucks Green Tea Frappuccino. We're here to walk you through their sugar-filled recipe, and provide you with an easy, healthy & cost-effective substitute. Our recipe will give you a very similar taste, while also helping you pinch those pennies & actually add some nutritional value to your diet!! we're currently loving this summer concoction thought up by our marketing team.

The biggest difference

The biggest difference between our recipe & starbucks' recipe is probably the amount of sugar contained in each. A Grande Green Tea Frappucino from Starbucks *without whipped cream* contains 63 grams of sugar (...gasp...) That's more than twice our recommended daily intake. Monitoring your sugar intake is one of the most important elements to keep track of, especially if you're trying to lose weight. Our recipe, however, contains hardly any sugar at all. Most of it's sweet flavor comes from the natural vanilla extract & whichever vanilla protein powder you decide to use. Although protein powders may vary, we've calculated our recipe (with our ingredients of choice) to contain only 6 grams of sugar total. & on top of that, you'll still reap all of the benefits of Matcha powder & get your daily dose of protein.

our recipe pick

Now as we said, we know your choice of protein products may vary based on what you prefer, but below we've linked our product of choice that we used in our recipe & to calculate the amount of sugar the recipe contains.

May 20th 2023

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