
Frankenstein Pre-Workout an All New High Stim Pre from Frankenstein Energy

Frankenstein Pre-Workout an All New High Stim Pre from Frankenstein Energy

Video Transcription:

What's going on guys? John and Brad here with Best Price Nutrition. It's been a while since we've put a video up, but we got a handful of new products in here, some pretty exciting ones. So we wanted to do some reviews and overviews of some of these products.

One of the first that we're going to be looking at today is the all-new Frankenstein Pre Workout. This is actually put out by a company called MD Sports who makes a whole lot of different supplements. They've kind of done a spinoff brand with this whole Frankenstein Energy. Their website's Right now they have two products. So they got the Pre Workout and they also have an energy drink, which I'm really curious to try as well. Really cool branding. One of the more unique tubs we've seen right in time for Halloween. And you know what's funny? I was talking to Edwin about this and he said, "I looked at it. Not that impressive." But I looked on the website because we were arguing over whether it had DMHA or not. So if you go to their website, it actually shows a formula without DMHA. This actually, in addition to the 350 milligrams of caffeine, we do have 150 milligrams of DMHA.

It's just not listed on there?

I think it must be a previous formula or a different iteration. So this is actually a little bit stronger than it looks online and definitely it looks like it provides a decent pump, a good amount of energy. We haven't had a chance to try this one yet, but I'm very anxious to try this one. You want to run us through the formula?

Yeah. And this is, I think, like you said, probably the most unique, specific pre-workout I've ever seen. I'm sure you could get it any time of the year, but you're probably only going to get in October.

You know what? Have you heard of that MD Sports Nutrition because they have a whole line of supplements. I wasn't really familiar with them either.

No, I haven't. I was thinking MD Labs, but I think that's something totally different.


Yeah. We've got 150 milligrams from sodium, which is really good for a pump, and it's sodium bicarbonate. So I'm thinking this may actually kind of fizz when you... I think that's what it does. Like almost kind of carbonated. Then there's six grams of L-Citrulline Malate, so you're kind of getting 3 grams of Citrulline, so clinical dose. 3.2 grams of Beta Alanine, which is going to help with some endurance stuff. 1.5 grams of Betaine, which is an osmolyte. So that's good for a pump. It's good for the transfer of, I think it's like electrolytes or water over membranes. Taurine, really good for hydration. Tyrosine at a gram. That's good for focus. Acetyl L-Carnitine, 500 milligrams. 350 caffeine. 300 milligrams of Alpha GPC, which is good for focus. 150 milligrams of DMHA and then 5 milligrams of black pepper extract. So this isn't really even a beginner pre-workout. This is on the stronger side for sure.

Just for context, I know a lot of these pre-workouts have proprietary blends, but pick out a pre-workout, whether it'd be like Mesomorph or Convict, what's the DMHA dosage in most pre-workouts?

Actually, that's a good one to go with. Convict's 300 caffeine per two scoops and 150 milligrams of DMHA.

Okay, so about the same.


Convict's a pretty strong pre-workout.

Yeah. Actually, you know what? I think it's 125. So you get 50 more milligrams of caffeine and 25 more milligrams of DMHA. So you're literally going to feel this more than Convict, which is one of our stronger pre-workouts that people gravitate towards.

Yeah. Anytime anybody comes into our store and says, "I'm looking for something strong," a lot of times I'm surprised. They'll buy something that I consider pretty strong and they'll say, "This is nothing. I need something else." Everybody's always happy with Convict. So if you guys like stims, this is probably-

Yeah. Absolutely. And I think honestly, when people see this, it looks, I don't want to say cheesy.

Looks cartoonish.

Yeah. It doesn't look like it would be a strong pre-workout. But if you actually look at the label, it is decently dosed with everything. And you get 25 servings. A lot of times you're getting 20 servings now. So you're actually getting a good amount of servings and it's not too expensive. I don't remember what it is, but I remember it not being that much for 25-

I think it's like 39 or something like that.


Totally off topic question for you, but sort of relevant to pre-workouts. The other night on my way to the gym, I forgot to bring a pre-workout. I was almost going to stop and get a can of Bang or something. Are you not supposed to have carbonation before working out or is that like a myth? When you said something about the fizz, it made me think about that.

No, I've never heard of that.

I don't know if it affected blood oxygen levels or something. I don't know if it's a myth, but that's-

I've never heard of that. It very well could be.

Maybe we'll research that for a future video.

I think the carbonation you would get from a drink might be a little different from this. I think that this kind of is like... Did you ever have the Nutrex pump?

Uh-uh (negative).

No, that had this stuff in there. If you took a shaker bottle and you put it in there, you shook it too long-

Oh, it would start foaming to the top?

It would pop the top off because it's like so much gas being released. It would explode the top off your shaker.

I don't know if you've ever had this happen before. I used to sometimes forget about my NutriBullets. You ever make like a smoothie in a NutriBullet?


If you leave it, it starts to... I don't know if it ferments or whatever.

Ferments it.

And eventually the top will-

Shoot off. Yeah.

And there were a couple of times I sprayed my entire kitchen down, but I saw a picture on Instagram or something the other day. And it was at somebody's office. The top of the NutriBullet actually shot a hole in the drop ceiling and the entire kitchen was sprayed.

That is rough. Yeah. It's also like if you go into the sauna and you have your shaker and then it's shut after a while, it will just [inaudible 00:05:04]. It will shoot off because all the heat making it expand.

I just thought about the C4 just put out... Was it C4 or America Lab? Somebody just put out like a full pre-workout Beta Alanine, Citrulline, everything into a can. And it was kind of dated. So I imagine people are putting out carbonated pre-workouts. I can't imagine it's bad for you.

Yeah. C4 has the one with Beta Alanine. I think it has a little bit of Citrulline, something like that. And those actually taste... It's probably like my favorite energy drink now.

Yeah. If anyone is a fan of C4, we got the new-


Starburst flavors.


I can't remember if we reviewed those or not.

I don't think we did. Yeah. That's been since we got the last videos. There's lemon, orange, cherry.


We just got in Strawberry.

Strawberry, yeah.

Yeah. I actually got some cold ones. We should do a review on that.

I know we've mentioned a bunch of stuff in this video, so we'll drop some links down below and stay tuned to the channel. We got a bunch of good stuff coming here. Ray's pre-workout, new Chemix products. A lot of good stuff. Stay tuned. Subscribe if you're not subscribed so you can be made aware of all the new videos and probably have some different deals coming here in the near future as well.

Yeah. All right. Sounds good, guys. Thanks.

Later, guys.

May 20th 2023

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