
Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals Osta Plex (Completely Legal SARM)

Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals Osta Plex (Completely Legal SARM)

Video Transcription:

Hey, how's it going guys? This is Brad with Best Price Nutrition. You can check out our website, Follow us on social media, and be sure to sign up for our email newsletter so that you can know when we have all of our deals, newest products, giveaways, all that good stuff.

So today I'm going to do a Pearl Hormone explainer, it's one that we haven't done yet. It's going to be for the Osta-Plex, which actually we do have a lot of demand for, and questions about, because it is labeled as the most powerful SARM modulator ever developed. SARM meaning, Selective Antigen Receptor modulator. So first off, what a SARM is, is it's going to be a compound ingredient, whatever you want to call it, that isn't very generalized. It's specific to usually your skeletal muscle.

So the reason that SARM would be different than some other types of anabolic hormones, testosterone wouldn't be a SARM because testosterone doesn't just make your muscles grow. It does a lot of other things in your body. It can affect your libido, amongst other things, it does a ton of stuff. So SARMs are wanted by a lot of people because they're supposed to be purely anabolic. They aren't always, but a lot of times they are. Something that may be confusing, is that the main SARM ingredient in here is a 19-nor, which is going to be the same ingredient as Decabolin. Technically, Decabolin would be considered a SARM, because it selectively targets the receptors that it hits, it's not generalized, so technically Decabolin is a SARM too.

This is a SARM, it's Decabolin mixed with two other herbal ingredients. The two other herbal ingredients are Eucommia Ulmoides, and then also there's another one that's a chemical name, basically they call it Osthole, O-S-T-H-O-L-E. The Eucommia is a phyto-androgen, which basically is something that will hit your androgen receptors, help build some muscle, but it's not going to be hormonal.

Then the Osthole increases AMPK mediated glucose uptake in your muscle cells. So that's going to be good for... Not really like insulin, kind of acts the same way. It's going to help glucose go into your muscles to act as glycogen, so you can then use it later during your workout. So it's not like a direct muscle building thing, but it will help you out in the gym.

So how do you take it? It is 60 pills. One pill in the morning, one pill in the afternoon. One month is a cycle. You could probably do up to two months, that'll be fine. You do want to do a PCT afterward, because it may not shut down your natural testosterone, but when you're coming off of any PER hormone, you really do just want to do a PCT to get everything back to baseline. Make sure if you have any estrogen increase, it comes down. If you do have any natural testosterone suppression, it'll come back up. That's the main reason you want to do it. So a PCT like Arimiplex would be good. You wouldn't need an on cycle estrogen blocker, like Arimistane, you don't need that for this. This is a dry compound, so it's not going to convert, you're not going to hold a bunch of water.

As far as stacking, you could really stack this with anything. If you want to cut, you should probably do Osta-Plex and 1-testosterone. If you want a bulk, you'll probably do Osta-Plex with Anavar, or Androdiol. Something with a 4-andro in there. If you're going to stack with Anavar or Androdiol, you do want to have an estrogen blocker with you then, but that's for those compounds, not this.

What you can expect if you take this by itself, definitely going to be lean, dry gains. You're definitely going to see some strength increase. It's going to be very similar to 1-testosterone, it's just a different pathway basically is how I describe it to people. Just a little side note, this does have directions as, "One in the morning, one in the evening. Do not exceed four per day." so it does give you some wiggle room. If you want to bump up the dose on this, you definitely can. You just don't want to exceed four per day, that's kind of the limitation that Hi-Tech directly is giving you. So just keep that in mind if you want a stronger cycle, you can, you're going to burn through bottles quicker, but usually stuff is dose dependent, as well as side effect dependent. I don't foresee there being a ton of side effects with this, but just keep in mind if you're doubling up, you're doubling up, right? Makes sense.

As far as how this is going to stack up compared to the other SARMs that you guys may know, stuff like RAD-140, S4, Ligandrol at the LGD stuff, all that stuff. Those are going to be their own type of category of SARMs that are... technically, you're not supposed to take those, those are not for human consumption. They can definitely tank your liver really, really bad. It's not like they're non-methylated or anything like that, it's an oral. So orals, most of the time are very harmful on your liver, unless you have something that's non-methylated in a Cyclosome delivery, like Hi-Tech stuff. So just keep that in mind.

If you're going to do SARMs, or feed it to your lab rat, or whatever you want to call it, be careful with it. Don't go crazy with the dosages, because it can really mess up your liver really, really quickly. This stuff is strong, but it's strong for a reason. It's very, very strong, it's going to be bad for your liver. I'm not telling you what to do, but weigh your options. If you want to take a SARM that's on the safer side, something you could do long term, something you really don't have to worry about your liver so much with, Osta-Plex by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals.

May 20th 2023

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