
Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals Pro IGF-1 Explained

Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals Pro IGF-1 Explained

Video Transcription:

Hey guys, this is Jeff and Edwin from Best Price Nutrition. You can shop online at, you can find us on all the social media channels, and if you like our videos, right down below you can subscribe and you'll be alerted any time that we post videos like this.

Today, this is a one that we've had for awhile, but it's been requested recently quite a bit. And it's called Pro IGF-1 from High Tech Pharmaceuticals. So I'm here with the expert, Edwin, and we're going to kind of break down some of the ingredients, some of the common questions, and let you know if this product is right for you.

So Edwin, tell us a little bit about this.

So Pro IGF it's an [inaudible 00:00:49] of IGF-1 which is the insulin growth factor hormone in the body, which helps to kind of control the way your body actually assimilates glucose into the muscle cell, into fat cells, overall helps with body rejuvenation, helps with overall recovery as well.

So in terms of wanting building tissue, whether you're bulking or cutting, this could definitely be useful for pretty much any active athlete sort to say.

So whether you're dieting or you're trying to bulk up in the winter?


Both groups can use it?


All right.

So what do we got in this product that makes this thing work? So the main ingredient is actually the NXP growth factor whey isolate. So they've actually stripped off the amino acids from a direct source of whey isolate. Use 20 micrograms of that to make the full source of the IGF in here. So when your body actually take this in, it'll actually help release your body's natural form of IGF-1. So that way you're not replacing of any kind of synthetic form.

Gotcha. And that's the only ingredient?

That is the only ingredient.

Yes. So that's what it does.

So now you look at this and there are 250 of these in a bottle. That seems, that's probably one of the biggest bottles of tablets.

Oh yah, yeah.

They're not huge. So a lot of people have complaints about the size of some of these. I know the Protropin are a little bit bigger.

A little bigger, yeah.

So these are actually pretty small, but a serving size is five per day. So when would you say that people should take this product?

Honestly, you probably want to take this about an hour to maybe an hour and a half prior to a workout. Reason being is because normally, a lot of times, the most important time for nutrient uptake is going to be post-workout. Make sure your body can actually assimilate any kind of nutrients. Carbohydrates are a huge factor when it comes to post-workout recovery.

So making sure that your body can actually release glucose the right amount of time and making sure that when you do take any kind of carbohydrate, your body doesn't digest it as just like a fat source or anything like that. Your body actually is utilizing it for proper muscle recovery. That's probably why you want to take it during that time.

So, okay. And then I'm guessing on non-workout days, so you're not working out. You still want to take this, right?

Yeah. It can be taken it on a full daily basis. I don't see why not to be honest.

Okay. So morning, night time, on workout days?

I think that would vary person to person, I think either morning or with your last meal. So either with breakfast or with the last meal of the day. Or if you actually have a cheat meal, I would say that'd probably be a better time to take it as well.


So your body can again use those nutrients to help with fully recovering your body.

Gotcha. Now when you, if you look this product up at, it is a more expensive product partly to do with the ingredient in it.


The other part is, now this will last you 50 days. So most of the products you buy out on the market today is like 30 days. And some of them are pretty expensive, but this one's going to last you almost two months. So you're actually getting a really long cycle out of one bottle. And talking about cycles, how should someone cycle this product?

You can take this all year round actually. It doesn't, it's not a product that has to be cycled on and off mainly because again, you're not suppressing any of your hormones. You're not messing with any of your hormones at all.

It doesn't replace your body's natural IGF-1 with a synthetic form. It helps to uptake your body's natural form of IGF. So I don't see why you can't take this all year round to be honest.

Yeah. And just to let you guys know, High Tech Pharmaceuticals sent me a free bottle to try this, and I've only been taking it for about a, maybe a week. So I don't have the most antidotal data. I can give you on it, but I can tell you, I have been sleeping better. Again, it's only been like a week, so I don't want to make any huge claims on it, but that's what my hope is. I'm hoping to see better recovery, especially because I'm kind of cutting right now and I'm hoping that the sleep is going to be better.

Now with this what do you think about taking this along with the Protropin from High Tech Pharmaceuticals?

Absolutely. I've actually had a few customers already stack the two together and they've been saying that the recovery is just so much more optimal now to where they're actually recovering a lot quicker. And one thing, like you said as well, their sleeps just been so much better at the same time. Yeah, that would be a fantastic stack. I mean, optimizing your body's natural growth hormones is a huge factor when it comes to your body's recovery, especially when, if you work out between five to seven days a week, which there are some people that like to do that, recovery is a huge, huge factor when it comes down to it. So yeah. I mean stacking the two together, can't go wrong with that. No problem at all.

Yeah. Okay. And then, do they need any type of cycle support or PCT when taking this product?

Not at all. No.



Nothing. So you can just take this and you're good to go.


So a lot of our customers that, will decide to take this have probably done pro hormones as well, or test boosters. Any problem, taking this along with a pro hormone or a natural testosterone booster?

Nope. Fully stackable with every pro hormone across all of Hi-Tech's line or even any of their test boosters as well. So yeah, definitely-


... would be, like I said, a good addition to add to any active athlete, whether you want a bulk or cut. Really optimize your body's recovery. If you don't feel like you're recovering properly, this would definitely be something to throw in.

See how it goes. All right. That's all good information. Last question we get a lot, especially lately is from the ladies. A lot, in the past it was all about like fat burners, skin supplements, but a lot more women now, which is great, are getting into strength exercises. I think CrossFit has brought it out a lot. So a lot of women now are asking about, "Hey, what can I do to build muscle, lean muscle?" Can this be taken by women?

Yes, absolutely. And with the way hormones work in the body, some women feel that they're a bit more insulin sensitive. So that's why they're afraid to like eat more carbohydrates throughout the day or something like that. Honestly, taking a product like this can definitely help with that. Because it actually will, in a sort of say help with optimizing your blood glucose levels. So in doing that, you can actually be able to eat the carbohydrates, allow your body to recover with the nutrients and don't have to worry about it, sitting down as some kind of fat [inaudible 00:07:07] or something, so.

All right. Final question that we get in all the products. Not that I've noticed any side effects, but any side effects that people may come across with this?

I have not been told of any and I wouldn't think of any myself to be honest, so.

Okay. And like I said, seven days in, I got no side effects. I can say some weird stuff right now, but I won't. But all good stuff. So this is again Pro IGF-1 from High Tech Pharmaceuticals. You can get it at If you have any questions, we have like a chat function, we have email, you can call. We're happy to answer any questions you have. Anything else on this product, Edwin?

No, I think we covered everything for it.

All right. So if, again, if you have any questions about Pro IGF-1, just let us know. Thanks guys.

May 20th 2023

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