
1-Andro Prohormone Guide For 2024

1-Andro Prohormone Guide For 2024

What is 1 Andro?

1-Andro (1-Androstene 3b-ol, 17-one) is a non-methylated prohormone that converts to 1-Testosterone, but doesn't convert to DHT or estrogen. That means you won't have to deal with more serious side effects commonly found in methylated prohormones. There is little to no liver toxicity, and gyno or water retention should also be minimal or nonexistent.


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What is a Non-Methylated Prohormone?

Prohormones are divided into two groups: methylated and non-methylated. Non-methylated prohormones are far less taxing on the body, especially the liver. They have limited side effects during and after a cycle If you are a beginner or intermediate lifter, then you should probably start with a non-methylated prohormone before moving on to stronger products with severe side effects than can sometimes rivals anabolic steroids.


Is 1-Andro Legal in the United States?

Yes! We only sell products that are 100% legal. The government banned a number of compounds at the end of 2014. 1-Andro was not on the list of banned substances, so you can purchase and use it without any legal concerns.

Can Beginners Take It?

Yes. You do want to make sure that you follow the guidelines listed on the product label. If you are new to lifting weights, you should definitely start with the lowest recommended dose and work your way up.

Does 1-Andro Work?

The typical user will gain an impressive 5-10lbs of muscle during a cycle. Body fat is often reduced significantly also at about 1-5%. We have heard about some users gaining as much as 15lbs, but that is far less common.

Can I take It As A Pre-Workout?

Yes. Most supplement companies suggest taking 1-Andro in divided doses with a morning and evening meal. You can take 1 of your doses before your workout also.

What's the Difference Between 1-Andro and 4-Andro?

The primary difference between 1-Andro and 4-Andro is the side effects. 1-Andro doesn't convert to DHT or Estrogen, whereas 4-Andro does. When following the recommended dosing schedule for 1-Andro this should minimize any potential side effects. Not converting to DHT or Estrogen is one of the reasons 1-Andro is so popular.

Is it Safer than Steroids?

Yes! 1-Andro is much safer than anabolic steroids. 1-Andro is non-methylated, so it carries far fewer potential side effects than even methylated prohormones typically carry. The issues with gyno and water retention you face with other prohormones is unlikely when taking less than 1000mg per day.

Can I Lose Hair Taking 1-Andro?

Users prone to male pattern baldness are more susceptible to hair loss. This usually occurs with doses close to 1000mg.

Does it Cause Back Pumps?

Some users may experience back pumps. You can take a product like Allmax Nutrition Taurine to help remedy the situation.

Does it Cause Suppression?

In smaller amounts between 300mg and 600mg there should be no issues with HTPA suppression because it doesn't convert to DHT or Estrogen. In amounts around 1000mg you may want to supplement with DAA or other products that will restore natural test production.

Does 1-Andro Cause Gyno?

Water retention and gyno shouldn't be issues with 1-Andro because it does not convert to DHT or Estrogen.

Does it Cause Suppression?

In smaller amounts between 300mg and 600mg there should be no issues with HTPA suppression because it doesn't convert to DHT or Estrogen. In amounts around 1000mg you may want to supplement with DAA or other products that will restore natural test production.

Does 1-Andro Cause Gyno?

Water retention and gyno shouldn't be issues with 1-Andro because it does not convert to DHT or Estrogen.

Will I Experience Headaches?

Some users do experience headaches. This varies by person, and is usually a pretty mild symptom. You should always consult a physician before using supplements, and especially if you are taking something that causes any side effects.

Will My Sex Drive (Libido) Be Affected?

You may notice decreased libido/sexual performance. If you follow the suggested dose/cycle length and take a cycle support and PCT, you will greatly reduce the potential for side effects.

Elevated Blood Pressure A Concern?

Slightly elevated blood pressure levels are a side effect of 1-Andro use. This is usually a very minor symptom, but if you have any concerns you should consult a physician immediately.

Does 1-Andro Show Up On Drug Tests?

If you are at risk for anabolic steroid testing, you will likely test positive while using 1-DHEA due to the metabolites of 1-Testosterone that are excreted. If you have concerns speak with the drug administer prior to taking 1-Andro.

Are There Any Drug Interactions?

If you are taking anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medications you should not take 1-Andro. You should also avoid stimulants on cycle because they can rapidly increase blood pressure and lead to nose bleeds and fainting.

Is 1-Andro Safe for Women?

1-Andro may have unpleasant side effects for women like facial hair growth, deepened vocal chords, and thicker jaw line. A product like IronMag Labs Super Nor-Andro can help you to increase size power, and strength.

What are the Chemical Names for 1-Andro?

The first one is 1-dehydroepiandrosterone. There is also another name it goes by, 1-androsten-3b-ol-17-one.

Will 1-Andro Shrink Your Testicles?

1-Andro should not cause any shrinking of the testicles, especially in smaller doses of 300mg-600mg/day.

Does it Have Any Effect on Growth?

No. Your height should not be impacted in any way by using 1-Andro.

Could it Have Any Impact on Energy?

Yes. Some people do notice a lethargic feeling when taking prohormones. This is usually a temporary thing.

How Old Should I be to Take 1-Andro?

We recommend 1-Andro for men over the age of 21 only.

Will it Cause Diabetes?

No. Prohormones do not cause Diabetes.

How Long Does it Take to See Noticeable Results?

You should start to see increases in your lifts and some body changes during the 2nd week of use. This varies from user to user though.

Should I Use 1-Andro for Cutting or Bulking?

1-Andro is generally used as a cutting prohormone, whereas most people use 4-Andro for bulking. Diet and exercise play a big role in the results you will see on either a cutting or bulking cycle.

Recommended Dose/Cycle Length For 1-Andro

Beginner and intermediate users should take no more than:
300-600 mg per day for 6 weeks
Advanced users can take up to:
1000 mg for 6-8 weeks

During Weeks 1-4 ~ 1-Andro Rx™ 2 capsules per day (1 cap AM & 1 cap PM)

During Weeks 1-8 ~ Advanced Cycle Support Rx™ - 2 capsules per day (organ and lipid support)

During Weeks 5-8 ~ Ultra Male Rx™ - 1 capsule per day (post cycle therapy)

Benefits Of 1-Andros

  • Lean Muscle Gains
  • Accelerates Workout Recovery
  • Increases Protein Synthesis
  • Doesn’t Convert to DHT or Estrogen
  • No Water Retention
  • Muscle Hardness
  • 100% Legal

Possible Side Effects

1-Andro is a non-methylated prohormone, so side effects are typically less severe than their methylated counterpart. A few of the possible side effects are listed below.

  • Lower Sex Drive
  • Acne
  • Headaches
  • Aggression
  • Anxiety
  • Hair Loss
  • Back Pumps

Do I Need A PCT?

A PCT (post cycle therapy) helps you keep your gains and limit or prevent side effects. Your body shuts down its testosterone production during a cycle, so it’s important to restore your natural testosterone production. That's where the PCT comes in to help you lock in the gains you realized during the cycle.

  • Restores Natural Testosterone Levels
  • Detoxifies Your Body
  • Increases Libido
  • Improves Immune Function

Do I Need A Cycle Support?

Not with a 1-Andro.

What Other Products Can I Stack With 1-Andro?

1-Andro can be stacked with virtually anything. We gave a few suggestions like PCT, Cycle Support, and 4-Andro supplements. Here are a few other popular products that can really help improve your results if you aren't taking them already. Protein and creatine are perhaps the most two most important basic supplements you can use daily to achieve the results you want.

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