
A Complete Guide to Turkesterone Supplements

A Complete Guide to Turkesterone Supplements
Turkesterone has been gaining a lot of attention in recent months, in large part due to Fitness Influencer and Youtuber More Plates More Dates and his Gorilla Mind Turkesterone, as well as discussions about Turkesterone on forums like Reddit where users are sharing before and after photos of their transformations after taking Turkesterone. You likely found your way to this article based on one of those two things, however before taking any supplement it's important to know more about it and understand the safety behind it. In this article we're going to aim to provide you with everything you need to know about Turkesterone. 

What is Turkesterone?

So for starters, Turkesterone is considered an ecdysteroid which is a hormonal that some compare to testosterone due to the potential to induce growth, however unlike test, ecdysteroids do not stick to androgen receptors and do not cause any of the negative side effects we often associate with steroids including things like gyno, hair loss, and lethargy. Turkesterone shows promise as being one of the most if not the most anabolic out of all the ecysteroids. 

What Does Turkesterone Do?

One reason for Turkesterone's rise in popularity is that it's much safer than other anabolic steroids and prohormones, though it looks like it may behave in similar ways without binding to androgen receptors. The benefits of Turkesterone include muscle growth, improved muscle repair, and muscle protein synthesis. Turkesterone works by optimizing the mRNA translation process and supporting leucine uptake to our muscle cells. Due to its positive effect on protein synthesis your able to obtain a positive nitrogen balance and prevent muscle breakdown or muscle waste. There's also some evidence that Turkesterone may also be able to increase muscle ATP which in turn results in increased muscular energy and endurance while working out. Lastly, Turkesterone has adaptogenic properties which may have positive effects on mental health and may help to alleviate anxiety. One thing many users really love about Turkesterone is that using Turkesterone does not require a PCT or post cycle therapy. Because Turkesterone does not increase testosterone there is no risk of suppression following a cycle. 

Does Turkesterone Have Side Effects?

As far as negative side effects, there really isn't enough reliable information available about ecdysteroids to know what negative side effects may be, however there does appear to possibly be some beneficial side effects including optimized hormone levels and a strengthened immune system. One thing Turkesterone users do report is the occasional upset stomach or nausea if taken on an empty stomach. 

Do You Need to Cycle Turkesterone?

As with most supplements, they tend to be good to cycle so your body doesn't become used to them. Most users run a cycle of Turkesterone for 8-12 weeks, followed by a couple weeks off, however some users report running cycles indefinitely as Turkesterone does not cause suppression. 

Where Can I Buy Turkesterone?

Despite the popularity of Turkesterone supplements, they aren't an easy supplement to get your hands on, and there's many fake turkesterone products or low quality turkesterone products being sold online. While we don't yet have a dedicated Turkesterone Supplement in our shop as of yet, we should have one coming in the coming weeks. We do however have a collection of products that contains Turkesterone including things like Halodrol, Superdrol, Monster Plex, Pink Magic, and others. You can checkout our entire collection of Turkesterone Supplements in our Turkesterone Collection


Parr MK, Botrè F, Naß A, Hengevoss J, Diel P, Wolber G. Ecdysteroids: A novel class of anabolic agents?. Biol Sport. 2015;32(2):169-173. doi:10.5604/20831862.1144420

Lafont R, Dinan L. Practical uses for ecdysteroids in mammals including humans: an update. J Insect Sci. 2003;3:7. doi:10.1093/jis/3.1.7

Guibout L, Mamadalieva N, Balducci C, Girault JP, Lafont R. The minor ecdysteroids from Ajuga turkestanica. Phytochem Anal. 2015 Sep-Oct;26(5):293-300. doi: 10.1002/pca.2563. Epub 2015 May 8. PMID: 25953625.

May 20th 2023 John Frigo
John Frigo
John has been helping people in the fitness and nutrition industry for over 10 years. He is an avid biker, hiker and fitness enthusiast. Most notably, you can find him on Youtube instructing viewers about the newest products to hit the supplement industry.
John Frigo

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