Allmax Arachondonic Acid Product Overview
Video Transcription:
Hey guys, John and Jeff here with Best Price Nutrition. Visit the website at And in today's video, we're going to be talking about a popular but lesser known supplement, arachidonic acid. This is present in probably a lot of your favorite muscle building supplements, and we have carried a couple standalones, but cool to see that Allmax has put out an arachidonic acid. They put out a few single ingredients, they have [inaudible 00:00:25] now, berberine, a couple other single ingredients.
Jeff:Yeah, they're really coming out with this, and I'm happy. Allmax has been around for so long and it's probably one of the... They're a very clean, truthful company, compare them to Rule One or-
[inaudible 00:00:39].
Yeah, [inaudible 00:00:41]. So you know what these ingredients in here are actually in here. So for those that have been around for quite some time, you may remember the original company that released this, which was called X-Factor. I used to take it probably around 10, 15 years ago, and it was a great ingredient. There were some not so happy side effects to it. Well, there's one, which we'll talk about later.
But overall, it's a great non-hormonal. It's going to help you build muscle, it's going to help you increase strength and it's going to help you recover quicker. And of course, again, all natural, which a lot of people are, "Do I need a PCT?" No, it doesn't mess with your hormones whatsoever.
So to get into this, so this product, it has some clinical studies behind it, which is why it's a really good compound to take. So there's two clinical studies that support that they saw a 2.4 time increase in muscle strength and up to 67% more greater improvement in muscle endurance in as little as 14 days. So this was done on men and women and that's quite a jump for just 14 days. And not to fast-forward, but normal cycles can be 50 days on and 50 days off, so if you can get those results in 14 days-
Even with Prohormones, most guys don't really start doing that until about three weeks in.
Exactly. So what is this? So this is a polyunsaturated omega six fatty acid. It is critical for muscle growth, muscle repair, and it's a key component in phospholipids that make up the cell membranes, including the muscle cells. So it's part of your muscles, and that's why it's good to supplement with it. I'm going to be reading from this, guys, but I'm trying to easily explain how this thing works.
So of course when you work out, you're going to cause muscle damage to anywhere throughout your muscles. You're going to cause little tears. That's what working out does and that's why you get sore. And this triggers an inflammatory response to repair those tears, of course. That's why you don't work over and over and over again the same muscles. Arachidonic acid is released in response to this damage, helps create substances called, I don't know if I'm pronouncing this right, but eicosanoids, which are very important with muscle repair.
So with this arachidonic acid supplementation, you can push this process to go faster and grow your muscles stronger and improve protein synthesis. So it's kind of a dumbed down version of how this works. So this is forcing you to repair those muscles quicker and faster than before, but it's also causing more muscle breakdown during the workouts.
And this is something that we're going to be cycling, so we're going to do 1000 to 1500 milligrams per day.
And this one actually gives you 1600 milligrams, so it's even a little bit more.
A little bit higher than clinical dose. So you have 50 days on, 50 days off.
Yes. And as I mentioned earlier, the biggest side effect to this is the soreness. So because you're going to be breaking down more muscle fibers, it's going to get you sore quicker, and it's going to be a little bit more painful.
A lot of guys report joint soreness.
Joint soreness and everything. Yes. It's going to increase inflammation, basically.
You may be tempted to take something for that inflammation, but you're not supposed to.
No, no. So when you're taking something like this, don't take omega threes, don't take NSAIDs, turmeric, resveratrol, or any kind of anti-inflammatory.
Kind of working against what you're doing.
Yes, exactly. That soreness and those aches you're feeling, that's what you want to happen. What we do for muscle growth. Lastly, don't take it with blood thinners as well.
I'm saying, "Wow, I can't wait to take this stuff."
Yes, I know it seems bad with the muscle soreness, but with 50 days the clinical studies behind it, it's worth the non-hormonal muscle growth and strength and it's inexpensive.
Yeah. And if you guys are interested in this ingredient, but want a more comprehensive muscle builder, I believe Raze LX3 and Raze Mass Caps both have this ingredient in combination with...
A few other things.
Yeah, a few other things.
[inaudible 00:05:13].
Maybe some [inaudible 00:05:13] and stuff like that.
But if you just want to try this out on its own, Allmax is the great one to use. So hopefully I explained that all right. I'm sure you'll have questions. Post them down below. John and I are always here to answer them. If you enjoyed this video, please give it a thumbs up. And lastly, if you want more videos like this, hit that subscribe button, and you'll be notified for every new video. Thanks guys.
†The content of this blog post is intended solely for reference and entertainment purposes. We do not offer medical advice or specific guidance regarding the products discussed. Our insights are based on a combination of anecdotal experiences, online studies/reviews, manufacturer details, and customer feedback. While we strive to present accurate and current information, we cannot assure its completeness or its alignment with the most recent product formulations or data. For any concerns or up-to-date information, we recommend visiting the manufacturer's website directly. The opinions and information provided here do not necessarily reflect the views of Best Price Nutrition; they represent the perspectives and information from the manufacturers and users. Furthermore, these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness.
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