
What To Stack With Andriol, Hi-Tech's Newest Long Term Use Prohormone

Video Transcription:


Today's video, we're going to be talking about what you can stack with Hi-Tech's newest prohormone, Androdiol. If you want to know about Androdiol, we've done two or three videos already about this one. Gone in depth on it. It's a 4-andro that's meant for long-term use. But in today's video, we're going to primarily be focusing on what to stack with it and why. And you can find this, all these products and all these stacks on


Yes. And it is Andriol.


Did I say Androdiol?


Yeah. We always do it. It's very similar names, so not to confuse it. But yeah, we've got a ton of in-depth videos on this but we've been getting a lot of questions lately on what to take with this product, this new prohormone that's out. So we wanted to give you our top three recommendations, based on your goals, of what prohormones to take.


And then one thing to specify, this one can be taken for six months or a year at a time. The other one should still be cycled. So you can take this one all year long and then run a four week or ideally, eight-week cycle with this. Stop this one, but continue taking that one.


Continue with that one. Exactly.


And if you were to do that, would you need a PCT as well?


According to Hi-Tech, no.




Yep. You've just got to wait until after. Use a PCT once you're done with this one. But this one, you can just move on. So the first one we're going to recommend is Equipoise. So if you're going to take these two, Equipoise is a very good compound for building up mass and bulk. So mainly, if you're on a bulking cycle, you'd want to stack these two together. The thing that makes Equipoise stand out, I've personally noticed it, is the increase in appetite that you're going to get from it. So people like taking this if they can't get enough food in their diet because that's a big part of bulking up, is getting enough calories, getting enough protein, carbs and fats in your diet. And sometimes, you just can't. This is going to help, in addition to just increasing testosterone levels and overall lean muscle.


Next, we got Deca-DuraBolin. Why'd you pick this one?


Yeah, so the Deca-DuraBolin is a great product to take along with 4-andros. The Deca-DuraBolin, I've taken it many times. My favorite things about it... Well, there's two things. One is the strength increases are crazy, and two is that you're going to get a lot of lean bulk, let me say it that way. You're going to put on some good size, but it's going to be leaner. It's not going to be as much as that kind a water weight that you get, which 4-andros can cause-


Are you saying I got water weight?


John, you've never taken the prohormone [inaudible 00:02:42]?




No? Okay. So the Deca-DuraBolin. Yeah, so these two are great together. And the Deca-DuraBolin is just a stronger DecaBolin, so it's a once per day. If you're new to prohormones, you probably could switch down to a DecaBolin.


Okay. And then lastly, we got 1-Testosterone.


Now, if you start taking prohormones, I guess-


[inaudible 00:03:01] I've been curious about this one.




1-Test or 1-AD.


Yeah, I think you're good for 1-Test. So the 1-Test, you may be asking, "Why take a four and a one together?" That's for a really lean bulk.


We've got super [inaudible 00:03:16]. So four and ones together.


Yeah, exactly. It's commonly done. And with 1-Test, like I said, you're going to put on some size because of this, but this is also going to keep you lean. It's great for strength. So if you're trying to put on some size, but you're also trying to hit those PRs, tying in something like 1-Testosterone is really excellent to do. And then it can also fight... Some people with the 4-andros, because of the water weight, can run into gyno issues. It happens very little. It's so rare, but if it's going to happen, it's going to happen with the 4-andro.


Or even if they just want to keep a dryer look, right?


Yeah, exactly.


Now, I know people are going to ask about every single other prohormone. "Can I take it with this, this, this, this?" I think one of the more popular ones will probably be Winstrol, but is there any prohormone that you wouldn't stack with that?


The main one I wouldn't stack with it would probably be the Androdiol and the Sustanon 250. Those two are also 4-andros, heavier dosed 4-andros. So I wouldn't stack them with this one, but you could basically almost stack them with everything else that we sell. But if you are considering or have questions, just post them down below, we'll answer them.


We'll link to the Androdiol, as all these other products right down below.


Yep, exactly. Again, if you have questions, post them down below. John and I are always here to answer them. If you did enjoy this video, please give us a thumbs up. Click that thumb, please. And lastly, if you want more videos like this delivered to your inbox, just hit that bell to be notified and we'll make it happen. Thanks for watching, guys. Until next time.

Jun 12th 2024

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