
Glaxon Tranquility Sleep Formula Honey Bourbon Review

Glaxon Tranquility Sleep Formula Honey Bourbon Review

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In today's video, we're going to be taking a look at Glaxon Tranquility. Glaxon, really cool brand, awesome marketing. I like a lot of their products. I just finished drinking their Super Greens, which is one of my personal favorites. And today we're going to be taking a look at Tranquility, which is their Deep Sleep. Not to be confused with Serenity, which is kind of more their end-of-day...

Throughout the day...


It's calming.

Yeah. Whenever I hear that one, I think of that Seinfeld, "Serenity now! Serenity now!"

I've not seen that one.

Yeah, so Tranquility's been out for a while. I think it used to be called Sedative, and then it changed to Tranquility. The reason we're going over this one is this is a limited-edition fall release for 2021. It's honey bourbon flavor.

And something interesting to note before we go into the label, when you mix it up, it's blue as hell. And that is because there is spirulina in there. There's no other artificial colors or anything. So you're going to get a pretty strong blue, which may make the taste kind of weird, I feel like. Maybe it won't.

It's true. It can be a pretty strong flavor. So I'm curious to see what this tastes like.


Full disclosure: Love honey, hate bourbon.

Yeah, me too. I'm not a bourbon guy. I don't really like dark liquor that much.

Me neither. And this might be... I know one of our hottest selling products is Hi-Tech Somatomax, which is really knock-you-on-your-butt sleep formula. This seems like it might be a little bit more mellow. Help you turn your mind off at the end of the day. Drift off into a deep sleep, but not waking up groggy.

This is... What I would compare this to, or how I would do them side by side, Somatomax is something you would use every once in a while when you have to knock out hard. This is something you could probably use every night and there really not be an issue. There's really no heavy, heavy sedatives in here that are going to... Like phenibut, that could keep you kind of groggy the next day. This stuff is very light and it just gives you very deep, way better sleep. I have a tub, not this flavor, but I have a tub of Tranquility at home. I love it.

Yeah, what flavors does this come in besides, off the top of your head, besides the honey bourbon?

I think there's like a grape one, and I think it's like Midnight Grape, something like that. I don't know off the top of my head, but I think the one I have is grape.


Yeah. So I'm just going to go through the label. There is choline, magnesium, sodium chloride, salt, potassium. So you get electrolytes in there, which is awesome. You get glycine. You get GABA. Theanine, at one scoop, you get a hundred milligrams. VitaCholine, which is a trademarked version of choline L bitartrates. Casein hydrolysate, which I'm not going to pronounce that word because I don't know it. There is also a root that I've never heard of, fibraurea recisa root extract. And then there's a blend of different types of melatonins that it says it essentially yields to two milligrams of melatonin per scoop. And it's a time-release melatonin and a regular melatonin.

And don't be scared off when you see... What is it? 38 milligrams. Because like you said earlier, it only yields two milligrams.

Yeah. It even tries to bold it out for you because, see, when you look at the list, one scoop is 19 milligrams of melatonin. People are going to be like, "Holy shit." But yeah, it has a time release and a regular one. So the regular one is supposed to make you tired right away, and the time release one is supposed to be something that's going to keep you asleep. Because sometimes people take melatonin and they'll fall asleep, and they wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep.


It's got estrogen, which helps you absorb everything a little bit better. And then it's got some different herbs and things in here. It's got celery extract, which turns into apigenin, which actually I think people use for testosterone now. It's got a refuma extract, which is Venetron. That's the trademarked version of it. There's spirulina, which gave it the blue color. And then there's toothed clubmoss, which turns into huperzine A.

So, a lot of these ingredients, people may kind of recognize in other neutropics like huperzine, apigenin, estrogen, stuff like that. Those are things to help you with focus. And then glycine I think also helps with collagen production overnight. So there's a lot of different things going on here, and people probably wondering why there would be things in there to help you with focus. One thing that it does help with is, at the end of the night, people's minds kind of race and think about a ton of different things. If you have things that help you focus, you can just kind of think about sleeping and that be the primary objective. Then your mind's not going to keep bouncing around. You can focus on like the test of trying to get to sleep.

So it's kind of interesting. It looks like they put a little bit of a focus on kind of recovery and things like that as well. So it's not just sleep. It's going to help you recover.

Yeah, absolutely. So, honey bourbon. Cheers. Hmm. Smells like blue razz. That's not bad.

It's interesting.

It's different. I've definitely never tasted something like that in my entire life. I feel like they kind of actually got like honey and bourbon.


But I've never really had good bourbon. I've always had and been like...

You know what I kind of like about this? So you got the bourbon taste, but you don't have that real strong barrel ageness to it. That I think is what I really don't like about it.

Yeah. It's almost just kind of like a different type of honey, like an aged honey.

And then this one, I was curious how this was going to stack up to, because a while back we brought in... We have the Axe & Sledge's The Grind in a whiskey and cola. And that, they really got that kind of barrel-aged flavor. So, if you like Jack Daniels, if you like whiskey, you'd probably like it. If you don't, you'd probably hate it. But this is actually... I don't like bourbon, but this is actually pretty good.

Especially something I noticed... I think you may have pointed it out. I forgot which one we reviewed a long time ago. The things that you take before sleep, the flavors are always really mild. They're not too crazy strong. Because right before you go to sleep, you don't want like a lemon punch in your face. You know? You want something mild. And I'm not...

It's very soothing.

Yeah, yeah. And I don't mean mild as in there's not any flavor. There is good flavor, but it's not like a strong, sharp flavor. It's honey and bourbon. Those two things are very smooth flavors.

You don't need to be like puckering from grape before you're trying to...

Yeah. No, I mean, I like it.

I can't taste the blue spuralina. Can't taste it at all.

No. The smell doesn't really smell too...

It smells kind of funky.

Yeah. It's because you can kind of see that they're... You can smell some of the honey in there, but it's also like... It's not bad. It's just not what I was expecting.

I'm trying not to drink too much since this a sleep supplement. It's what? 11 o'clock in the morning? But...

Yeah. And the main thing in here that's really going to get you to sleep is going to be the melatonin. That's what most people are after. Two milligrams per scoop. So we each probably got like a milligram here. Two milligrams I think is around the standard dose. I think a lot of people try to do two or three. I've seen people take 10 milligrams at night.

And so some of the products out there are way overdosed.

Strong, strong as hell. Yeah. And one of the things with sleep products, people are probably like, "I don't have a problem going to sleep. Why would I waste my money on that?" That's all well and good if you can get to sleep. I can get to sleep pretty easy, but I still take stuff like this because it gives you better sleep. If you drink caffeine all day long like I do, if you take pre-workouts usually a little bit later in the day like I do, you may be able to get to sleep, but you're not getting REM sleep, which means you're not recovering as well. People are always like, "Oh, I could drink coffee before bed and go to sleep." That's awesome. That's cool. But your sleep is shit, whether you think it is or not.

You know what's great about stuff like this too? Either for people who do their workouts at night, like later in the evening, or you ever have to work later in the evening and you go to shut down at like 11:30, but you're still like amped from working out? Yeah, so this is something great for one of those scenarios.

Yeah, yeah. For sure. And again, this isn't something that's really going to... I mean, then again, everyone reacts differently to melatonin. It's not my favorite ingredient, but the majority of people like it and swear by it. So, if you are someone who thinks melatonin works for you, then this probably will knock you out. I don't think it's going to be that strong of a put-you-to-sleep. It's definitely going to help you slowly drift off to sleep. But the main thing here is it's going to give you way better sleep. And the added electrolytes are just a nice little boost. I don't know why they put that in there, but I'm glad they did. It seems like most products, or at least a lot of products now, are throwing electrolytes from amino acids. Pretty much all have an electrolyte blend. Sleep stuff. Pre-workouts now. Like everything is kind of going in the direction of adding electrolytes, which is pretty cool.

I think most people are under-hydrated, so it's probably not a bad thing.

Especially before bed and when you're trying to recover, you don't want to be dehydrated and your body doing different things than you want. So you want to have an optimized body state for sleep, so you can recover the most. Because this is probably people who are going to be into health and fitness that are going to get this product. So that's what you're focusing on. You're focusing on recovery and rest. This is going to help you get that.

Yeah, I think that's about all I got. I really like it. I'm probably going to take a couple scoops home and use this myself.

Should we do a coupon code for the first five people?

Yeah, yeah. Let's do like 15% off.


Yeah. We'll do TRANQUIL15. First five people who see this video and use it, yeah, you get 15% off.

I'll put that code down below because some people might not know how to spell tranquil.

That's why I was looking at it. I was like, "Tranquility," I was like, "Oh, that's a big one." Yeah, I think that's all I got.

Yeah, that's all I got. Be sure to check out the entire Glaxon line. They've got some great supplements. But yeah, we'll catch you guys on the next one.


May 20th 2023

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