
Can You Workout After Your Covid Vaccine?

Can You Workout After Your Covid Vaccine?

Video Transcription:

How's it going guys, this is Brad and John with Best Price Nutrition. You can subscribe to our YouTube channel at, sign up for our email newsletter at, that's where you see all of our deals, our blog posts, the newest items, all of that good stuff. Today, we are going to talk about something that we've had a lot of questions called in about, and a lot of emails, it's about if you can work out after you get any of the COVID vaccines. And before we get into it, we're not making any claims, we're obviously not giving any medical advice, we're just kind of giving some of the information that we've looked up and what the guidelines are. And I think John has done some of the research so he's going to get into it a little bit.

Yes, it's a little bit different, normally we do the products, product reviews, product announcements. We do have some good ones coming to you guys, we've been bringing a lot of exciting brands and products in.

Yeah, tons of products.

So stay tuned for that. But yeah, it seems like one of the most searched, most talked about topics online right now is can I work out after my COVID vaccine? And like you kind of alluded to everybody should check with their own healthcare provider. There's a number of different vaccines out there, everybody's body is different, everybody's medical history is different. So your doctor, your healthcare provider knows your situation, knows the vaccine you took, and will be able to give you the best advice, but we just kind of wanted to talk about some of the literature out there and maybe some anecdotal experiences for people.

So initially the guidance was if you feel okay, go ahead and work out. Obviously when you get one of these vaccines, there is an immune response that's your body's going to experience that is going to put your body under stress, so you might not want to stress your body more with like a strenuous workout, but initially the advice doctors and the CDC were giving was if you feel okay and you want to work out, go ahead and work out. More recently, the CDC has been adding some warnings and acknowledging that there's some inflammation of the heart that younger guys experience with some of these vaccines, mild carditis, which is an inflammation of the heart, and pericarditis, which is an inflammation of the sack of the tissue surrounding the heart. And with that in mind, the CDC, as well as I think the Indian whatever their health ministry is, have started urging not to engage in strenuous exercise for a week or two following the vaccine so maybe switch it up and go for a walk or something like that, or take an easier workout.

But again, like you said, ultimately, people should be checking with their doctors, just anecdotally I know a couple of people who are kind of like gym rats, you can't get them out of the gym for anything. And both of them like literally walked out of their vaccine appointment and went and worked out and had a rough day or two after that, whether that would have happened with or without working out, we don't know, but I can't imagine stressing your body even further is necessarily the best thing to do.

Plus, I mean, ideally, I don't know, there's different things coming out now, but this is something you're going to get one shot, maybe two shots and that should be it. Just take some time off, right? You'll be fine if you don't work out for a week or two following your vaccine, if you're going to get the vaccine, go ahead and get it, but just take some time off if that's what these recommendations are. Especially if it's something that can affect your heart or the sac around your heart are the pretty important things.

I think that was exactly what one of the doctors said, you're not going to get fat if you take a couple of days off from the gym, and if you do wind up overstressing yourself and have a setback you're probably going to spend a lot more time out of the gym than just taking that week off.

Yeah, that's a really good way of looking at it. It's very short-term thing for a long-term goal. Yeah, getting the vaccine?

If any of you guys want to share your experience feel free to do so in the comments below, but seeing a lot of people talk about this, so just wanted to address that a little bit.

Yeah, definitely. Yeah, I think that's about it. All right, thanks guys.

Later guys.

May 20th 2023

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