
5 People Share Their Experience Attempting The Hard 75 Challenge

5 People Share Their Experience Attempting The Hard 75 Challenge

Recently The Hard 75 Challenge has been trending on social media sites like TikTok and Instagram. For those not familiar with this challenge it's a challenge which was created by motivational speaker and supplement company CEO Andy Frisella. The challenge involves a strict regiment of diet, workouts, drinking water, self improvement and taking progress pictures everyday for 75 days straight with the goal of improving your health, your mindset, and developing some grit and toughness. 

The challenge has been making its rounds on social media and even spurred a spin-off challenge called the "Soft 75 Challenge" which was created by bloggers trying to water down the original challenge stating its too hard or even unsafe to complete. 

While a number of people here around the Best Price Nutrition offices and warehouse talked about taking up the 75 Hard Challenge for the new year, nobody has yet to try it. We reached out to our customers and social media followers to hear from some of you who've attempted the 75 Hard Challenge to hear what your experience was like.

My name is Nikki Hynes and I completed the 75 Hard Challenge back in 2020. I initially learned about this challenge from the creator Andy Frisella and his wife, both of whom I follow on social media, I'd also had a friend start the program a month prior. 

I managed to complete the challenge, though I was tempted to quit more than a few times throughout the 75 days. For me the most challenging aspect of this program was the workouts. As someone who regularly worked out the double day workouts became a challenge because I felt like I needed to push through what my body was telling me in order to stay true to the program. I was accustomed to having rest days in all of the programs I followed and created in the past so that the body can rest and recover. The weather for the outdoor workouts was a challenge as well, and the fact they needed to be spaced out 2-3 hours was another challenge at times. As a mom and full-time worker during a pandemic there were days that it felt impossible to carve out the time. 

Niki wrote a blog post about her experience which you can find here, she was also kind enough to include a 75 Hard Challenge Before and After photo which you can see below. 

I first learned about the 75 Hard Challenge from Andry Frisella on TikTok. I wound up completing the challenge without cheating. The creator of this challenge Andy Frisella states this is not a workout or nutrition challenge, it's a mental toughness challenge and I 100% agree with this. The body is strong but the mind is weak. I started my challenge in February and about 40 days in we had a major blizzard hit. It took everything I had to get completely geared up in my ski pants, snow boots and goggles, yes I even needed goggles. I could have quit and nobody in the world would have judged me for not working out in a blizzard, but I would know. 

Personally I found the water to be the hardest part of the challenge. I learned early on to drink a ton in the morning, but there I was sometimes at 9 at night chugging water and then I'd be stuck up all night peeing. I'm only 5 feet tall and while I"m generally good about hydration a gallon of water is a crap ton of water for me. I'd seriously have to get up to pee every 20 minutes so making time and room for that amount of urination was hard. 

I tried the hard 75 challenge but failed, I made it until day 20 before giving up. I had 3 big things which were not working for me, though it did help me to learn to better prioritize and utilize my time. During the challenge I found that I wasn't eating enough and I wasn't resting enough, for the entire 20 days I was always really tired and really hungry. Time was a big issue, I had less time throughout the day because I had to cram in two different workout sessions which can be bothersome, so you need to learn to manage your time and day appropriately. I found that when you have less time you priritize things differently and that allowed me to be more successful, make faster decisions and achieve better business outcomes. Another challenging part was reading 10 pages of a non-fiction book per day. I am not really a book person or a regular reader and I still don't really understand the purpose of this aspect of the challenge. Unfortunately however I didn't complete the challenge, I only made it 20 days in, but I may try it again sometime in the future. 

I learned about The Hard 75 Challenge from a TikTok trend, a lot of people were trying it so I got to know about it, learned more, and decided to give it a try for myself. I didn't complete the challenge I only made it for 2 days. I feel this type of challenge is toxic to mental and physical health. For me the entire part was tough, two workouts a day was tough as was following a diet plan, I found that to be exhausting. While I was excited about first hearing about this and taking up the challenge, I failed quickly and likely won't be attempting it again in the future. 

I've been following Andry Frisella on Youtube for years so that's how I heard about his 75 Hard Challenge. I like taking on challenges and testing myself so I decided to give it a try. I actually failed twice and had to start back over at day one before I was finally able to complete the challenge. The only easy thing about this challenge is reading 10 pages of a book and taking a progress picture, the rest of the challenge is incredibly tough to maintain over the course of 75 days. My biggest challenge was not only time management, but that over the course of 75 days things come up. I'd wind up getting stuck at work late one day or having a family obligation another day and all the sudden my diet is thrown for a loop or I dont have time to fit in two workouts. I wrapped up my challenge a day or two before New Year's Eve of 2021. On Christmas Eve and Christmas Day I wound up having to wake up at 4am before work to be able to fit my workouts in. Life is going to throw wrenches in your plan and you really need to make this challenge a priority in order to complete this challenge. 

John has years worth of experience working in the nutrition and supplement industry and has been working out and weight training since his teens. His other areas of expertise are SEO and Digital Marketing and when he's not in front of a screen John enjoys exploring the outdoors hiking and paddleboarding. 

Apr 15th 2024 BigCommerce
John Frigo
John has been helping people in the fitness and nutrition industry for over 10 years. He is an avid biker, hiker and fitness enthusiast. Most notably, you can find him on Youtube instructing viewers about the newest products to hit the supplement industry.
John Frigo

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