
ABL Pharma TRT Test Booster and Male Enhancement Supplement

ABL Pharma TRT Test Booster and Male Enhancement Supplement

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Hey guys, this is Jeff and Edwin from Best Price Nutrition. You can shop online at You can find us on all the social media channels. And if you love these videos, please, right below us there is a subscribe button. Subscribe to our videos, hit that bell, and you'll be notified every time we do more of these amazing videos.

So today we're going to be talking about a new product that we got in, actually a new line we brought in, called ABL Pharma. Now this product is called TRT, and it is a male enhancement product. I've got Edwin here, who's an expert on all this stuff. How do I know that? Because I have a cheat sheet, because there are a lot of ingredients in this thing. So I'm going to be using my cheat sheet, but I'm going to be going to our expert as well to ask him a few questions about these ingredients, how to use this product, when you use this product, and so on. So are you ready?

Let's go.

Okay. So there is a blend on the back here, but it's got a lot of ingredients to help hormones and testosterone. So the first one is epimedium. Now this stimulates nerves that are common during sexual activity. It's going to increase sperm production, and it's going to increase sexual desire, everything that guys want, right?

I mean, pretty much. For those who don't actually feel like they're getting much out of it, epimedium is usually the one to go to product.

Okay, and this includes it. Next one is... I'm just going to mangle this one. You want to say that one?

What is it? The Eurycoma longifolia.

Another name is tongkat ali. Now this is going to be one that increases testosterone levels. What else is that going to do for you?

It helps increase libido levels as well, helps with overall vitality. Tongkat has a huge factor now with coming out with everything.

Yeah, Joe Rogan talked about tongkat ali. I actually take tongkat ali in another product that's part of it, which is Testosterone 21, I believe, is the product I take with it. Saw palmetto is in here. A lot of people know that for your prostates, to protect from hair loss, but it does also help testosterone levels as well, correct?

Yeah, yeah. So it helps metabolize DHT levels in the body, which again in return helps with making sure your prostate stays at a normal level. Obviously again, stops hair loss as well. Whenever you have your DHT in control, your testosterone can actually optimize. It's a cool benefit.

Okay, next one is going to be wild yam root. Now this is going to help balance your hormone levels, which is a good thing to do when you're taking anything that's increased test, anything that's going to affect your estrogen levels. Anything else you can, about the wild yam?

Yeah. So wild yam actually helps metabolize estrogen itself. A lot of women like to use wild yam whenever they're going through phases of menopause actually, because then it can actually help with heat flashes and all that kind of stuff. So yeah, anytime you're taking a substance that'll help boost up your free testosterone, your estrogen is going to want come up with it. So taking something to help kind of metabolize it can definitely help with controlling, as Jeff said, controlling the way the ratios are with the hormones.

Perfect, perfect. Okay. Next one is, I'm going to mangle this one, the sarsaparilla root?


Sarsaparilla. I was really close. But this is going to increase sex drive, increase blood flow and sperm mobility. Again, a thing that all guys want. Anything else you want to add on to that, or is that...

I think you pretty much hit it on the nail with that one.

All right, besides the name I got everything else right. Nettle root. So this is going to improve vitality. It's going to improve libido. It's kind of straightforward right there.


Anything else you've heard about nettle root?

Nettle can actually also be used in terms of actually helping with your prostate as well. So the combination of that with saw palmetto actually helps with making sure that your prostate stays healthy in terms of anytime you're boosting up your testosterone levels.

Perfect, perfect. Okay. I can see why it's in this formula then. The boron amino acid chelate. Chelate?


Chelate. That was a song, chelate, chelate. Remember that? Okay. So this is going to increase free testosterone levels. I know you kind of talked about the metabolite part of this...

Yeah, so boron's the mineral that actually helps the metabolite to get into your free testosterone, so taking boron on a daily basis can actually help with making sure that your free testosterone levels are at their optimal levels, so to say. And the fact that it's a chelated form basically means that your body will absorb it the same way it would absorb an amino acid. So anytime a mineral is in its chelated form, it's usually the best form for your body to actually help take it.

Okay, and the last ingredient. He, before this video told me a unique story about it, so I'm going to let you tell them about your story and about the last ingredient.

So what I've read throughout the years since I've been in this industry was that anytime you take some kind of outside source of an organ from an animal, the amino acids in there actually help with keeping your own vital organs healthy. Like for example, if you eat chicken or beef liver, the amino acids from there actually help with keeping your own liver healthy.

So the one ingredient that Jeff didn't mention in here is the bovine orchic substance, which in layman's terms is cow testicles. So in terms of actually helping your testes run smoothly and keep them going, that was added in there to make sure that they do actually optimize to their fullest effect that way.

And that's why these tablets are going to be a little bit chewy. No, all right. I think they're regular capsules, right?


Okay, so that is a breakdown of TRT. Now we're going to get a lot of questions about this product. When should people take this, or why should people take this product?

For anybody who's interested in just a regular kind of testosterone booster or something to help with amplifying their sex mood so to say, I would say this would be a great product for them. Or even coming off a pro hormone cycle, this would be a definitely great thing to take with your PCT at the same time.

So you take it along with the PCT?

Yeah. Yeah. So again, help to restabilize your hormones and make sure they're balanced off properly after taking a pro hormone cycle, just making sure that your body can actually, again, utilize the free testosterone to its optimal levels every single day.

So is this something that's better... At what age should you start taking this? 21 year old okay, or should it be a 40 year old, or what...

I mean most 21 year olds shouldn't really be messing with their hormone levels at all because that's actually when you hit your absolute peak. Anybody over the age of, I would say like 26, probably pushing 30, would definitely want to consider something like this, because a lot of times, I've gotten so many guys that come in here and they're like, "Hey, I'm not really feeling right. I feel like my testosterone levels are a little off," and all this and that.

One thing I do always recommend is always to get blood work done to kind of see where your levels are at exactly. And if you want to try something on the natural side, something like TRT or Testosterone 21 for example, would be two fantastic natural testosterone boosters.

And you may have mentioned this already, but how long can someone take this product for?

So the great thing about natural T boosters is that you can actually take them year round. They're not something you have to cycle on and off of. If you want to switch off between different ones, that's perfectly fine, just so your body doesn't get used to one of them. But yeah. No, you don't have to cycle on and off with something like this.

And you mentioned some of the ingredients in here that women use. I think the wild yam was one of them.

Wild yam, yeah.

Now is this a product that a woman can take?

I wouldn't say no, only because a lot of the ingredients in here are meant to help activate your body's free testosterone. So would a woman really want to do that? I don't think so, but if they wanted to try it, by all means go for it.

All right.


And then, so I guess TRT again from ABL Pharma. It's a new line that we brought in here at Best Price Nutrition. So I guess the perfect... This is a product for anybody that wants to probably try to get a boost in testosterone levels, increase in libido, maybe like you said, come back from pro hormone cycle. This could be added onto your PCT. Anything else that, a reason to take it, or is that...

No, I think we covered [crosstalk 00:08:38] it pretty much, yeah.

Everything? Okay. All right. Again, it's ABL Pharma, TRT. You can get it at If you have any questions about this product, you can chat with us. You can email us. You can call us. You can post a question down here, and we're here to help. And again, if you like this video and want to see more of me, if you want to see more of Edwin, if you want to see less of Edwin and more of me, you can subscribe down here or click that bell, and you'll be notified every time we do a new video. Thanks guys.

May 20th 2023

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