
All New Hi-Tech Turkesterone 650 Muscle Building Supplement

All New Hi-Tech Turkesterone 650 Muscle Building Supplement

Video Transcription:

How's it going guys, this is Brad and John with Best Price Nutrition. You can check out our website, Be sure to sign up for the email list so you can get all of the newest products that we have, the best deals that we have, our black Friday deals, giveaways, all that stuff. Also, don't forget to subscribe to this YouTube channel. We do similar things here. We do reviews on the newest products. We do giveaways, all that stuff. Today we're going to go over a highly coveted and sought after product. It is turkesterone. It is by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals.

Now Brad, before these guys start hammering us in the comments. This just came in yesterday. So don't tell me that my physique doesn't look like I'm taking turkesterone.

After a month though, you will know I'm taking turkesterone.

I'll add another two inches onto my bicep. [crosstalk 00:00:46] By the time we do the follow up here.

Absolutely. This is Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals turkesterone, this recently became very, very popular, but this is the newest product from Hi-Tech. It is a 650 milligram blend and you have 60 tablets involved in this bottle. You kind of want to go into a little more on the backstory of why this is popular?

Absolutely. If you guys are watching this video, chances are, you know a little something about turkesterone or turkesterone. Derek of more plates, more dates has really kind of made this famous, but this is by no means a new ingredient. This has been in a lot of pro hormones and muscle building supplements for several years. Competitive Edge Labs, M Test, bolasterone and a lot of the high tech pharmaceuticals pro hormones, one of our most popular ones, pink magic by USP Labs, all contain this ingredient. So we've had this ingredient for a while, but it's been blends. A lot of people have been looking for a single ingredient option.


Just one thing to mention about turkesterone, there's a lot of talk online about which ones are good, which ones are bad, if you're seeing a turkesterone on Amazon for $23, $29, it's BS.

It's definitely not legit. It's a pretty expensive ingredient. It's hard to get a good source. And there's probably not a lot of lab testing done on a lot of these brands.

Yeah. I've heard just from kind of reading some different forums and things like that. There's only a very small handful, maybe even one supplier of like legit turkesterone. It has to come from Uzbekistan. It's not cheap.

Yeah. Yeah.

Probably questionable legitimacy. I think Hi-Tech even says when they started formulating this and this is brand new, but when they started formulating this, they tested a lot of the other products on the market. Pretty much everyone either had less turkesterone or some even no turkesterone at all. [crosstalk 00:02:34] More plates, more dates, Derek made this really popular. Joe Rogan, a lot of other guys have been talking about this. It's hugely popular right now.

That being said, we're not going to go into like the detailed specifics of how it works, Derek from more plates, more dates and other experts both have gone into detail. We're not going to tell you anything that they haven't already said. If you want to find out like the mechanisms of action, definitely go to those videos and check them out. This is mainly us going to be talking about the new Hi-Tech product that came in that is tested for purity and is from a legit source.

Just what can people, this is a muscle building supplement. It's going to increase protein synthesis.

It's not going to be anything hormonal, necessarily. It's not something you're going to have to like take a PCT with an estrogen blocker. It's just going to be a muscle builder. On the front of the bottle it says increased lean muscle mass, prevents muscle breakdown, increases endurance and increase muscle protein synthesis. It's just going to be a great thing that you could take as a standalone.

We have an anecdotal experience of someone who's used it for a month. Hasn't really changed anything else in their diet has already put on like three, four pounds. And they are someone who's are very, very consistent with everything they do, diet and workout wise. The only thing different that they did is they started taking a good dose of this specific product. And it's nothing hormonal, that's just another little anecdotal review there. As far as the directions go, you can take, you want to take this twice daily with food. It says, do not exceed four tablets daily. Most people are going to hear that and think, take four tablets daily. You can do that, but you're going to go through it very, very quickly. It's not necessarily, like we said, it's not a $20 bottle. So if you want to do that, just know that you're going to be running through the bottles very quickly, but you can just do one pill in the morning, one pill in the afternoon, just make sure you're taking it with food.

Just a couple things people always wonder about side effects. Not really too many side effects. Pretty much what any supplement, anything else, you might have light loose stool, diarrhea, mild headache.


No reports of like hair loss or anything like that.


Like you said, you don't need a PCT as far as like some people will cycle it like six to nine weeks. You probably technically don't even necessarily need to cycle it.

Like vitamins and minerals, you really don't need to cycle. With herbal stuff, it might be a good idea at some point to come off and then come back on just because your body will become accustomed to a lot of things, and it may just not be as efficacious for you at a certain point. If you're taking it for a very long time. So you may want to, to come off of it for a little bit, let your body not get used to it and then come back on. So it has strength again.

And people often ask, what can I stack this with when we're talking about different supplements. So some popular stacking options for the turkesterone are going to be, a lot of people will stack it with ashwagandha. Another popular one is tongkat ali.

Yeah, I've seen that.

We should have in very soon, Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals is actually rolling out an all new tongkat ali extract. I'm really looking forward to that. That's one of my favorite supplements and there's not a whole lot of options out there on the market. Once that comes out, we'll probably build this stack and discount it for these guys.


But tongkat ali or ashwagandha would be popular items to stack with the turkesterone.

Yeah. And this, depending when you watch this video, hopefully you watch it today or tomorrow we are going to be having a Black Friday sale on If you want to pick this up, if you get it in the next couple days, it's going to be the best possible time to get it. You're definitely going to get a big chunk off. You'll have to go on the website and see what that is. But if you're going to buy it and you see this and you want to get it soon, get it in the next couple days, because it will be discounted pretty heavily.

And we also got free shipping on this one as well.

Yeah. Free shipping. If you guys have any questions, please let us know, leave it in the comment, send us an email, call in and we will answer to the best of our abilities. All right. Thanks guys.

Later guys.

May 20th 2023

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