
Bang's NEW Natural Pristine Protein Bar Review

Bang's NEW Natural Pristine Protein Bar Review

Video Transcription

What's happening, guys? You guys have tuned into the Best Price Nutrition YouTube channel. You can find us at Make sure to subscribe to the channel and ring the bell so you're the first to hear about these new videos. We oftentimes drop new products that we bring in right here, and a lot of times there's some cool sales going along with those as well. Today, we're going to be looking at a product that, I don't know about you, but I've been waiting for this one to come out for a long, long time.

Long time, yeah.

So what do we got here, Brian?

So we have VPX Nutrition's Bang Bar using Pristine Protein. So what that means is VPX came out with Pristine Protein recently, which is their high-quality isolate protein, and they're putting that protein into a brand new protein bar. There's 20 grams of protein. Right now, there's only three flavors. We have all flavors in. We just got it today, so this video is going to go up today. By the time you see it, you'll be able to find it on our website. I'm not going to go through all of them. They're all between 210 and 220 calories. There's going to be about 30 grams of carbs, 20 grams of protein, and six grams of fat. These look good. The flavors are Key Lime Pie, Cookies and Cream, and then Legendary Pumpkin Supreme. Which one are you most excited for?

I'm excited for the Cookies And Cream, and I got high hopes for this one just because Bang, obviously everybody loves Bang energy drinks.


Their protein powders are tasty, and I remember seeing this teased out on Instagram or something by Jack Owak, probably like a year and a half ago.


And I've been pestering the VPX rep every time he comes in here. He says, "I don't know anything." So I'm really excited that these have finally landed.

Yeah, and especially with how big Bang is, I can't imagine that they would put out a bar that's not delicious.


And even to touch it, I mean, it feels tough, but they all-

That's funny, it says there bits in here?

I think there might be.

Because it says that-

A soft bar technology. High-grade protein, no nuts or legumes. Probably could have done this one. So they use...So just to go through the ingredients real quick, I'm sure people are interested. They use IMO and they're labeling it actually as a carb, so I have no issue with that. Isomalto-Oligosaccharide, it's like a sweetener carb. There's a protein blend of isolate and casein, milk fat, natural flavors, glycerin, whey protein crisps, whey protein isolate. Yeah, so they do have bits in there. cocoa powder, Vitamin E, sea salt and Stevia sweetener.

I like the protein bits. I think Outright Bar did that with one of their recent bars, and that was pretty tasty. I'm kind of surprised by the Pumpkin Supreme. That's typically a seasonal flavor.

You know, the pumpkin never does good. Ever, ever does good.

I like maybe one piece of pumpkin pie a year. That's about my fill of pumpkin.

All right, let's see how these are. Let's start with the Key Lime. I'm honestly most excited about this. What did we have? Oh, we had the Cream Pie, the Oatmeal Cream Pies recently that had the key lime pie flavor.

Bang doesn't have a cookies and cream, its Bang's Keto coffee and cookies and cream. I'm trying to think, this one comes from a Bang flavor. I guess we got the keto coffee that comes in cookies and cream, which that's what a lot of people sleep on, I don't hear many people talking about the keto coffees, but [crosstalk 00:03:11].

That's my favorite Bang.

Have you had the peanut butter, or chocolate peanut butter?

Yeah. Yeah.

Super good.

I think they're all... All these keto ones are [inaudible 00:03:20], it's something different. It's saying it's caffeine but it's a little creamy.

I can see the protein crisps in here already.

Yeah. I might get some B roll of this. It doesn't look like anything crazy. Just a normal bar.

And for anybody who, it seems like the Bang releases aren't quite as big of a deal as they used to be.

When you do 10 a year, they kind of lose a little luster.

And so for anyone who hasn't really been keeping up with them, we had a radical skedaddle, I think. Purple Kiddles that might've been a new fusion, but a purple Kiddles, key lime pie. I feel like there's- [crosstalk 00:03:53]

Military flavors.

The military flavors.

Strawberry kiss.

Strawberry kiss was very good. So if you guys haven't been keeping up with the new bank flavor in the past couple of months, we've probably got three or four new ones.

I think in total, it's probably over 25 flavors. All right.

You know that, I guess that the color is a little bit off putting.

It's a little skin tone.

It's like I'm eating a baby's finger or something.

It smells good. It doesn't taste like anything.

It is very toned down. At first, I got some key lime after that it kind of mellowed out. The texture's kind of weird. It's like [crosstalk 00:04:48]

It's very standard protein to me.

You think so? At first I thought it was kind of bubble gummy.

I would give them, it's not like fall apart soft, but it's not hard at all. It is just um.. What this tastes like to me is a pure protein bar with no flavor. It looks like they forgot to put the flavor in.

Yeah I could see that.

I don't like it.

You don't like it?

I'll be wonderfully honest. I'm not a fan of that one.

You know, I think it depends on why do you need a protein bar. like, are you eating it for the taste or you're going to work out and you just want to drop something down and have Some energy.

But I mean, so far, if that's what it is, 20 grams of protein and 30 carbs you would have already bar, they're all Delicious.

That's true. How many calories does an [inaudible 00:05:35] have?

An Emory[phonetic 00:05:36] bar is a little bit more.

So I liked that this is fairly lean.


So you're definitely not going to eat this for the flavor though.

No, no. And you know what to be fair. Wait a minute.

There are protein bars that I think are gross. This isn't gross. It's just whatever.

Yeah. I will never spend money on one, at least for this one so far. Yeah. Okay. Whatever.

You know key lime pie it seems kind of tone down. I'm curious to see how the cookies and cream will fair out.

Yeah. Let's try this one out. I guess that once you start chewing them, they are soft enough.

So it looks like we have little bits of like cream in here.

Yeah. And I may be ripping off some of the things. Yeah. Don't eat them off of napkins. You're getting a little residue. Oh, that smells way stronger.

I wonder how these napkin bits fall.

sorry about that.

This one's softer than the other one.

For sure. I'm going to say it's like coffee.

It has a coffee's smell to it.

I guess.

You know, it's a natural. We just talked about this in the video. [crosstalk 00:07:14] Definitely flavored things just aren't going to taste great.

It's true. There should be some [inaudible 00:07:22]. you know what? For a natural protein, I don't think they're already made natural protein bars.

There are a few.

I can't even think of one, honestly, maybe dream fuel.

And dream fuel was, was kind of more natural.

For a natural bar. That's using Stevia as the sweetener plus IMO a little bit. But for everything involved in there, it for what, it is good for being natural. I'll give them that.

And I will say, despite its sort of lacking flavor, I don't get a bad protein after taste from it.

Correct? Yeah. No. I would have to agree with that.

Do we try the pumpkin or do you just want to skip the pumpkin?

Maybe that's the one.


I'm going to cut it in the wrapper [inaudible 00:08:06] who knows maybe this is the one that we were going to sleep on, but

No. Who would this bar be good for?

If you had COVID and you can't say something,

I'm going to say somebody who's just looking for his nap, but doesn't really care about case. Yeah.

If you're purely in it for like, I want something natural clean, it's got a good amount of good. It's a good quality protein. So I will give them that for sure

You know what I was just saying to my girlfriend the other day? I love a lot of these natural foods. I love the oatmeal protein pies and things like that. But part of me kind of thinks like if I want to eat something sweet, let me just eat [inaudible 00:08:43] oatmeal pie. If I want to eat something healthy, I'll just eat something healthy. With most functional foods, you're not getting the great taste and they're still pretty high in fattening calories. So it's like,

I think there, there probably is like a middle area where like it does make sense. Or like if you're really trying to fight some cravings to transition over, I think they have a good place. But if you're craving sweets all the time, these aren't cutting it. Don't just keep eating these just to eat them. [inaudible 00:09:07] just eat a piece of pumpkin pie and they get back on your diet later or maybe eat this, I like this one the most.

You know what I feel about fall flavors, but it seems to have the most broken crunches with flavor and has got a decent [inaudible 00:09:36] pumpkin. It kind of tastes like piece of pumpkin pie because pumpkin pie isn't normally overly sweet either.

No. Well what'd you rate these what'd you have, first of all, which ones did you like the most? In what order?

You honestly there's so little flavor, then it's hard to say love this one. I'm going to say, not a huge pumpkin fan, but I will say this one has the most in the best flavor. Yeah. Then I'd probably go with Key lime pie and cookies and cream.

I'll have to go in that order too. again, quality, super, super, super high. It's super clean. It's natural they've used Stevia. So just know what you're getting into before you're getting into it. If you're, if you just want a really good tasting bar, find something that's not natural. That's not what this is. This is a natural bar. That's good protein.

And you're like, I guess while we're kind of wrapping this up. We got a bunch of the dream fuel bars, which you guys have probably seen in previous videos. We kind of went crazy in ordering a tone of them. And a lot of these bars, especially the more natural ones have shorter expiration dates. So we got some dream fuel bars that aren't expiring until April. So that gives you about two months as long as he would have a bar a week you're good. So we got those 50% off right now. A link to those in the description box below. And also, should we put a shout out to these guys, if these guys want to suggest a new bar that they haven't tried that either to bring in or that we carry that they'd like to see a review of yeah?

Yeah, leave them below. Every, every single request we've got, and I think we've kind of catered to a little bit with the video.

and I'll drop a link to our collection of protein bars and functional foods or whatever. If anybody wants to check that out, if you know, maybe someone has been hankering for a review of the Emory bar or whatever else.

Just let us know in the comments below guys. All right.

Later guys.


May 20th 2023

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