
Top 10 Prohormones 2023 & 2024

Video Transcription:


Hey guys, John and Jeff here with Best Price Nutrition. In today's video, we're going to be running through the top 10 best selling and most popular prohormones for 2022, 2023. Hi-Tech has put out a couple newer prohormones. We got the Deca-DuraBolin and even kind of mid to towards the end of last year, they put out some other new ones. So those may kind of gain in popularity as well. We're going to be running through our top 10 prohormones for 2024.


Yes. And this is why we're kind of dressed up. Both got the button-downs 'cause this is a celebration of the year. So, yes, let's go through them. And first one.


Okay. So the first one here is going to be the LG Sciences Cutting Andro Kit. LG Sciences actually has a couple different kits. They got a trifecta kit, a bulking kit, and the cutting kit. This is great for people who are new to prohormones or maybe if you've only run one test and you're looking to try a stack. We do have a stack builder on the website so you can build your own stack. We've also prebuilt a bunch of stacks for you guys, but if you guys want everything in one box set up for you with the instructions, including your PCT, the cutting andro kit has everything you need right here.


Number nine, got two here. So number nine is actually Metha-Quad Extreme by Blackstone Labs. This is actually a very strong prohormone. I believe it has four or five different compounds in it. So I'd only recommend this if you're kind of an advanced user of prohormones because it is very strong, but it's only one tablet a day. You can take it for eight weeks. And I added this AbNORmal on. Not in the top 10, but a lot of people stack these together. So if you're thinking about Metha-Quad Extreme, you can add the Blackstone Labs AbNORmal to that as well.


I think one thing worth mentioning, the Hi-Tech prohormones tend to be the best sellers. They're more cost effective than the Blackstone, and they're a little bit better dosed. But the Metha-Quad is the one that I would say gives Hi-Tech a little bit of run for the money.




That was very popular.


Exactly. Number eight.


Okay, so number eight is Innovative Labs Helladrol. This is a brand that's part of the Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals family. So you know who the brand behind it is. Helladrol is the world's strongest cutting prohormone. So this one's going to give you lean, dry, hard muscles, and we've got kind of a mix of different compounds in this one-


That's another strong one.


-for Andros. Very strong. Yeah.


Yep. What's next? Number seven is Decabolin. So Decabolin is a great prohormone for, it's kind of middle of the road, some lean muscle gains. Not too many people take this alone. This is a very good stackable prohormone. So if you're trying to cut, you could stack this with 1-Testosterone. If you're trying to bulk, you could stack this with probably Halodrol, but you can also take it alone. So good, middle-of-the-road prohormone


And worth mentioning, we had talked about Hi-Tech's newest Deca-DuraBolin.




Same exact compound, but it's one tablet instead of two per day and a little bit heavier dose.


Yes, yes.


Okay. And next we got Hi-Tech Winstrol. This is one of the newer prohormones. This is probably one of the two or three most recent ones that they have brought out. I believe this is part of the Edwin Cutting stack-


Yes, it is.


-which is one of our most popular stacks that we carry. This one is great for cutting, can be taken by itself, or can be stacked with 1-Testosterone. And that's probably one of our most popular stacks is the 1-Test and the Winstrol.


Yeah. And another thing about the Winstrol, if you're really looking for strength, that's something I normally recommend to people. If you're cutting, but you're trying to hit those PRs, Winstrol's a great one. I don't know. What number are we on? What are you on? Five.


I guess.


I'm guessing so. Okay. Number five is Halodrol. So Halodrol is one of the few that come in the box. This is a once-a-day tablet, but this is great for bulking. It's got a lot of compounds in it that if you're trying to add weight to your frame, don't want to try to stay as cut possible. This will cause a little bit of water weight, but that's kind of what you want when you're trying to get increased strength and get just your mass up there. So really good for your bulking cycles. Number four.


Number four, we got Dianabol. So Dianabol's going to be a little bit more of a bulking prohormone. You can really stack this with almost anything in the lineup.


Quite a few things.


And we got, what do we got in here?


Quite a few different compounds in there.


Yeah, this is a huge one. And this one does contain... I thought this. This is one of the ones that contains Turkesterone as well.


Oh, okay.


So in addition to the Andros, you also got some natural muscle builders in here too.


And something with the Dianabol, if you are interested in that, that's a great, that's a big seller. It's what, number four? One of the rare things about that one is it only lasts you 20 days.


Oh yes.


Due to the high level of ingredients in that product, for a complete eight-week cycle, you'll need three bottles of that.


That always throws everybody off-




-'cause most of the high tech prohormones are two a day for a whole month.


There's only a few, and this is another example. So number three is Superdrol. So Superdrol is one of the strongest, if not the strongest prohormone, that we have. So Superdrol is great for, I usually recommend it for recomp. So if you're trying to maybe lose weight, but you also want to put on muscle mass, Superdrol is great to use. One bottle is only going to last you 21 days. So just make sure that you pick up three bottles for an eight-week cycle.


What is this, two?


Number two.


Number two, we got 1-Testosterone. I would've put this at number one, but Jeff made the list. 1-Test is a great starter prohormone. I would say most guys get their start with this. At a retail store here, a lot of guys 50 plus come in for this one. And one of the things everybody reports, in addition to the strength, is just a ton more energy. They say you got to drag them out of the gym. They can keep going. And this you can stack with a lot of things. 1-Test and Winstrol is one of our most popular stacks as is Decabolin.




So great one right here.


And something I wanted to mention, now, we're not doctors, but we do have questions about, I'm on TRT, are there any prohormones I can take? Hi-Tech's 1-Testosterone is actually one prohormone that's, talking to one of the reps at Hi-Tech, they usually recommend taking with TRT.




So, again, it's best to ask your doctor, but that is a possibility with that product. So number one, now, I didn't make this list out of thin air. Okay. This is based on sales and customers in 2023 and 2024. So the number one top-selling prohormone for the past 13 months is Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals, Anavar. So part of it's probably with the name, very popular name, but this one is just great for overall lean muscle mass. It's got a lot of compounds. It's got quite a few prohormone compounds, quite a few of natural compounds. Even got creatine in here.

So this is just... I know there's one gentleman here that he loves it. I mean, he's a younger guy, but when he's trying to build muscle and put on some weight, Anavar is the one that he normally uses. So Anavar, what's the stack? So a lot of times you can take a 19-Nor-




-with Anavar, which will be the Osta-Plex or the Decabolin or, as you mentioned, the new Deca-DuraBolin.




So great product. If you're looking to build lean muscle mass and that's your goal in this upcoming year, then I would suggest Anavar be the one to go to.


And one more thing to add about Anavar. We get a lot of women ordering Anavar because the Anavar steroid is really popular with women. This is a prohormone, not a steroid. A lot of women take it, although generally speaking, we would recommend a 19-Nor like the Decabolin or the Deca-DuraBolin-


-Deca-DuraBolin for women as opposed to the Anavar.


Yes. Correct. So that's the list for the top 10 of 2022. If you do have any questions about this, we do have live shows throughout the year, but there are videos that we have that go more into the ingredients so you can watch those. So if you have any questions, just let us know.

Jun 3rd 2024 BigCommerce
John Frigo
John has been helping people in the fitness and nutrition industry for over 10 years. He is an avid biker, hiker and fitness enthusiast. Most notably, you can find him on Youtube instructing viewers about the newest products to hit the supplement industry.
John Frigo

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