
Glaxon Super Greens New Dragon Fruit Flavor Taste Test & Review

Glaxon Super Greens New Dragon Fruit Flavor Taste Test & Review

Video Transcription:

What's happening, guys? John and Jeff, with Best Price Nutrition. Check out our website at Head on over to Instagram, we got a giveaway going on right now. If you follow us here, we do a lot of giveaways. Special deals and sales you'll only find out about here. And we let you know about new products we got in, just like this all new Glaxon Super Greens. This is one of the most popular products around the office.

It is. I mean, I always had taken greens in the past, but I never enjoyed it until ... Were you the person that had originally talked about this?

I forget. And I think Dan and Chris were always pushing this and they turned me onto it. And then, yeah. They know pretty much everyone's in love with this stuff.

This is delicious.

Yeah. By far the best tasting greens. This one comes in ... I think when it rolled out, it's lemon iced tea.


Orchard iced tea, Burstberry iced tea. Dinosaur Fruit, which seems to universally be everybody's favorite. We also have in stock, the limited edition Blueberry Acai immune boosting edition. Every flavor is fantastic, except for the lemon. That's always the one that's in stock with us and every other retailer out there. This one was announced a few months ago. We've been eagerly awaiting it, finally showed up. And this is a Dragon Fruit flavor. Do you like dragon fruit?

I do. It's the little pink guy, that's got the white inside, right?

Exactly, yeah.


For anyone who doesn't know what dragon fruit tastes like ... I just Googled it before because I can't really describe it besides, tropical. A lot of people say like a mix between pear and Kiwi.

I was just going to say, Kiwi, it reminds me of. Yep.

You know why it reminds me of the Kiwi? Is just, it's basically like a white and black Kiwi as opposed to green and black. More so the taste.

Exactly. Exactly. You can look it up if you want to. You can see what we're talking about.

But yeah, I mean, its formula ... Obviously, you should try to get all of your nutrients from food when possible. But most of us fall short when it comes to vegetables and greens and a lot of other things.

And I just want to cut in. Especially lifters out there. We're always focused on creatine, protein, corticosterone, pro-hormones, all the stuff that's muscle building. You can't forget about your diet. And I know we get a lot of protein. You get the chicken breast, you get the tuna, but greens is so important. And myself, I'm trying to get better at doing vegetables and fruits and everything, but it's not easy.

And something like this, that's actually ... It's not your old greens. The one that used to taste like, after you'd mowed the lawn, and it tastes like the grass and the dirt. This is delicious. So I just want to cut that in because this is really important, but ...

I think that's a good point. If you've tried greens in the past and were turned off by them ... Bad greens are really bad.

They are, yeah.

I mixed up a new one the other day that we got as a sample, and I literally took one sip and threw it away. So even if you've had a bad experience, give this a try. I guarantee you'll like it.

But yeah, we got the Green Balance, which is a blend of alfalfa, wheat grass, host of other ingredients. What's unique about this compared to the other greens is their Super Shroom blend, which has a whole host of mushrooms, Maitake, Cordyceps, I think there's some Turkey Tail.

These aren't those type of mushrooms, right?

Not that type of mushrooms.

All right.

The mushrooms ... All types of benefits. Obviously, depending on what you're talking about. But antiviral properties, nootropic properties. Even, there's that mushroom blend that's going in a lot of pre-workouts. Is it S-7 or something like that?

Yes. Yeah, you're right.

So yeah. Host of benefits from mushrooms. And then we got the Betta Berry blend, which is going to be really good for antioxidants, a lot of vitamins and things like that. Tart cherry, and then a hundred milligrams of Ashwagandha. So we've got a little bit of everything in here, along with some plant digestive enzymes as well. So really, it's everything you need.

So when do you take your greens?

So I actually, I take greens and fiber every day. Fiber on its own is pretty gross, so I actually do a scoop of Glaxon Super Greens and then I throw in a scoop of psyllium husk fiber with it, so it makes it easy to take my fiber. But I normally take it every morning.

Every morning's when you ...


And that's when I take it as well. I feel like it gives me a ... I like caffeine. But it gives you a natural little boost. So I'll usually take it at like, 10 or 11, when I'm coming down a little bit. And it just ... You look forward to drinking it because it tastes so good.

Yeah. I actually do enjoy this one.


And in terms of flavors, if you're thinking about ordering it, I would say almost universally, it seems like Dinosaur Fruit's the number one. I'd say the Burst Berry and Orchard iced tea are tied for number two. I imagine this'll be.

That one's pretty good.

... up there. I'd just stay away from the lemon. It's not very good.

Or, you know what? Go against us. And you get that lemon, all right? Get us through that inventory. So we're going to try this, right?

Yeah. Do a little taste test.

Okay. So when you look at ... It's green. But it doesn't taste like it looks. So pour that in there. You can see, it's green. And John and I are not going to fake our ...

If you have bad greens, you can't even fake it good.

No, you can't. So, cheers.

Oh, that's good. That's really good.

You mix this with 16 ounces of water. You can do a little bit less if you want it stronger, but ...

Okay. So you can mix this one, one scoop with 16 ounces of water. You can mix it less, but I think it tastes fine with the full 16 ounces.

I'm trying to think, a lot of people are going to ask, can I take this with anything else? Yes. You can take it with everything.

Yeah, exactly. Anything.

Any side effects to it? I think a lot of people, when they take greens, they may think they get some stomach discomfort and that kind of thing. I've never had that.

Yeah. I've never noticed that at all. And they do have that plant enzyme blend. So that should help with digestion as well. And it's actually got ingredients to support digestion.

Okay. So yeah, there you go. And John and I, we both take it in the morning. There's no reason you can't take it at lunch. There's no reason you can't take it before sleep. I guess whatever is easier for you, basically.

And this is hugely popular. I think even Glaxon themselves has been out of stock for six weeks. So if you see it available, get it when you can. I know you and I went half and bought, what, like a three month supply?

Yes. Yes.

So, yeah. I guarantee you you're going to like this stuff. And if you want put this in your daily supplement regimen, I'd just stocking up because it is hard to get.

Yeah. And whether you're a guy, whether you're a girl, you can take this product. It doesn't have anything hormonal in it, so it's perfect for anyone. Yeah. What else? We got any other questions about that? Trying to think. No.

Yeah. I think that's pretty much everything about it. So we'll link to where you guys can pick it up just down below in the description box. And if you guys do have any questions, go ahead and drop a comment, we'd be happy to answer it.

Thanks, guys.


May 20th 2023

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