
Built Bar Releases Built Puffs Marshmallow Treat

Built Bar Releases Built Puffs Marshmallow Treat
Built Bar Built Puffs Marshmallow

We brought in Built Bar sometime in early 2020, and it's quickly become one of our most popular and hottest selling bars. Not only are Built Bars tasty but they are lean, and have a unique texture like no other bar on the market. Well early in 2020 Built Bar rolled out another truly unique protein treat called Built Puffs. Built Puffs is a soft smooth tasty marshmallow treat packed with 16 grams of protein and only 130 calories. At the time there was one flavor option and it was a classic Vanilla Marshmallow flavor.

Initially Built Bar did not roll these out for sale, they were part of a giveaway where people who bought a box of Built Bars got some free Built Puffs. Built Bar has officially added this product to their product offerings for purchase and Built Puffs are now available in 3 flavor options including Vanilla Marshmallow, Coconut Marshmallow, and Strawberry Marshmallow. Built Puffs also come in a variety pack for those who want to try them all, the variety pack features 18 Puffs, 6 in each flavor. 

These just dropped on the Built Bar website, however we should have them in here sometime in the very near future. We'll keep you posted. 

May 20th 2023

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