
Finaflex Oatmeal Protein Vegan Protein Drink - Honest Review

Finaflex Oatmeal Protein Vegan Protein Drink - Honest Review

Video Transcription

What's happening guys, John and Brad here and in today's video we're... That's not how we start them off.

What's going on guys, John and Brad, with Best Price Nutrition, you can check us out at Be sure to follow us right here on YouTube, as well as Instagram. In the coming weeks here, we're going to have some exclusive deals only available on social media. We just launched a Tik Tok, for those of you gen Z'ers out there. In today's video, we're going to be taking a look at Finaflex's oatmeal protein pie. The actual functional food, oatmeal protein pies, just like those ones you ate as a child, except they got a... I want to say what 14, 16 grams of protein?

Yeah, a lot more protein than those.

This is a drink version and this is actually a vegan drink, which makes it kind of interesting as well. I'm excited to try this one.

Yeah, they really go all out with the oatmeal thing as it's oat protein. Just as a side note, I noticed anytime I edit the videos, whenever you start, the entire time I'm just doing this. It's like slowly nodding and bugs me every time I watch it.

I never know where to look. Do I look at Reg? Do I look at the camera...

... Right in the lens. We've been looking at this stuff for a while. We've wanted to try it, so we decided to bust it open today and try a scoop. Vegan proteins are pretty popular right now and this is kind of par for the course for what the macros look like. But, a really good thing about it is that, as far as the sweetener goes, they use erythritol. Some people don't like it, most people do, it's a pretty good artificial sweetener.

You like vegan proteins, right? Or we've tried quite a few at this point.

Yeah, with a lot of my... tend to mix them in a smoothie, because it sometimes can be chalky or not taste great. But, like we said, I think NutraBio has got a good one. A lot of the ones that have been coming out recently, much better in the departments of taste and texture.

Yeah, they're finally coming to the forefront and not all tasting like... there are some that I like more than whey protein at this point. Then as far as the ingredients go, oat protein powder, erythritol, MCT, natural flavor and then there's a bunch of different, potassium, magnesium. There is Stevia too. There's a bunch of vitamins after that. Then there's seven grams of fat, 3.5 of which are saturated. 20 grams of carbs, seven fiber, six erythritol and then 15 grams of protein. Not crazy high on the protein scale, but when you're doing vegan stuff, you have to take what you can get because it's kind of hard to get it in protein.

And is oat protein the sole source of protein in this one?

As far as I know, yes. Oat protein powder, yeah. It's a single source. I don't really know much about oat protein powder, so I don't know if it's a good one or not but, at the end of the day you're still getting more protein than you would have otherwise.

You got to notice this one, it's not super heavy, but it's not super lean either with 170, so I'm actually expecting a pretty good taste here.

Yeah, especially with the seven grams of fat, coming from the MCT, that usually makes things a lot smoother a little thicker.

A little creamier.


I think we just got in the... Unless they were samples, I think we just got into strawberry cream pie, oatmeal protein pies.

Those were samples. We're going to be getting them in soon. Were probably some of the first people to get them, there's... What were they? The strawberry and blueberry?

I think it was blueberry and strawberry, yeah.

I tried the strawberry one. I thought it was awesome.

I had the strawberry one actually.

Yeah, it was good. Once we get them, we'll obviously do a review so we can eat another one for free. All right, want to try this one out?

Let's go for it.

And the flavor is just original marshmallow.

I think we had decided among all the ones we've tried original was, I like the strawberry one, but I thought the original was the best.

Yeah, the original and then oddly enough, for someone who doesn't really like chocolate like that, the double chocolate was really good. That does look pretty smooth, doesn't it?

That smells good.

Yeah. Cheers. It's different. There's a...

... I really wanted to like this...

... Yeah, it's not bad. It's...

... I mean, that's really bad.

We're trying to sell some of these and I'll be honest, it's not great. There's better vegan ones out there. It's the erythritol, is a little too bitter. It's a little chemical tasting.

You know what, initially I liked it because it was really smooth, or like a thicker shake. There's just a really bitter taste to it.

You know what it is, it's the Stevia. That's what it is. It's like that Stevia bite, where it's... that's what it is, it's Stevia. To me, Stevia tastes chemically and the Stevia is really heavy on this. I thought I would taste the erythritol more. You get the cooling of the erythritol but the bite is of the Stevia. The flavors there, but that Stevia bitterness is pretty strong. Fuck dude, I did want this to be good.

Yeah, I was excited about this one. You know what, I did go light on... With most proteins, it tends to be better to mix them lighter and keep it thicker, I wonder if that's the opposite. They recommend, I think six to 12 or six to 10 ounces of water and I went with about six.

I think that could definitely have helped it. Maybe if it was a little bit diluted, because that Stevia is very strong. It's not bad, it's not great, but it's not terrible.

Yeah I think with maybe some oat milk, some coconut milk.

Damn. We normally like most things.

This is slowly growing on me, but it's not what I was hoping for.

Let me go into it again, knowing that it's Stevia, or what I think is Stevia. Once you get that initial bite gone, after that, it's kind of...

... It's pretty good...

... It gets a lot better. I'm sure it sounds like we're just backtracking, but it honestly does get better the more that you drink.

You know what's really weird, I kind of liked the chocolate. It starts really smooth, but then it gets chalky at the finish.

Yeah. Not a fantastic review, but once you take that first sip, it's kind of like, that's a little weird, but after that the flavor actually comes through. It is pretty smooth for the most part. At the end of the day, if you're doing vegan stuff, you just have to know it's not going to be amazing. But, this is pretty good, plus it's not that expensive and you get 20 servings.

What if you tried mixing some of this in with some oatmeal or something like that?

That would be really good.


That actually would be good, yeah. Plus with how smooth it is. I bet it would mix up pretty nicely.

Some overnight oats, yeah.

This could definitely be... this is probably something that's more of a versatile thing. Plus it looks pretty fine, so I think it would mix up pretty well. How many stars, how many out of 10, what would you rate it?

I'm going to give it a six.

That's what I was thinking. I've definitely had worst proteins in my life. I've had pea proteins that just tasted like sand. I've had whey proteins that just didn't mix up and they were chewy and they were gross. This isn't awful. It's not great for the price. I don't know how much it is but I know it's on the cheaper side. You get 20 servings. A lot of vegan proteins now, you get like 14 or 15. It's usually like $2.50 a scoop, which is kind of a lot. This is a lot cheaper. So if you're a vegan and you're on a budget and you want something that's tolerable and good and pretty good once you get used to it, this is right up your alley.

If you're looking for a tolerable product. We have a tolerable product here.

Do you want something you can stand? Yeah, I'm sorry. I thought it was... It's just what it is, what it is. We want to sell these, but we're honest. We're honest here at least, right?


That's what we can say. Try it out. You know what, let's do a 15% off.


Let's do oatmeal 15. We'll make that the code.

Should we do tolerable 15?

Yeah, lets do tolerable 15 is the code. Try it out. Save 15%. Even cheaper price per scoop. It's not that bad. We may be over-hyping it. It may be right up your alley. If you're doing vegan stuff, you're used to it anyway. We drink a lot of whatever, so we're used to the top of the top flavor. When you do vegan, it does get knocked down a little bit. If that is what you're used to, try this out you'll probably like it.

I'd say it's worth giving it a try for the novelty.

Yeah, absolutely. Because there is no other protein like that, there's no other flavor like this one.

You know what I think made it hard? They set the bar really high with the actual functional food, that I really don't think anything they could have done could've matched that.

Yeah, definitely. That's a super hard flavor to match. They definitely tried though. All right, I think that's about all I got. We will see you guys on the next video.

Later guys, see you.

May 20th 2023

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