
GU Energy Gels Review & Taste Test

GU Energy Gels Review & Taste Test

Video Transcript

Best Price Nutrition YouTube channel. I'm John. We got Brad here. You guys can check us out at Be sure to follow us here or subscribe to us here on YouTube. Follow us on Instagram, Twitter. We just kicked off a TikTok. In the course of the next couple of weeks, to next month, we got a lot of exclusive deals that you're only going to find out about here. And in January, there's going to be a new... January-

That's pretty far.

In May, we're going to have a deal going on every single day. So be sure to follow us so you can be kept up on all these deals, as well as new and exciting products dropping.

And in May, all of the deals are great. I think the lowest is at least 25%.

There's a lot of 30%. I think I saw 50% off deal.

Yeah. Yeah. So definitely stay tuned for those.

So, who've we got today, Brad.

So, today we've got... This isn't like the normal products that our demographic goes for, but I think it's mainly because they don't know how to utilize something like this. So what we have is GU Energy. This is mainly if you're an endurance athlete. If you are a marathon runner, I guess even five Ks. A bicyclist, a cyclist, if you do triathlons, if you do anything endurance-related, you've probably heard of this. Now that's not normally our demographic, but it should be. So what this is, is a pure carbohydrate supplement. It is maltodextrin, water, fructose, leucine, which is an amino acid to help muscle growth. There is some electrolytes in there, sea salt, which is awesome. ISO-leucine, so it's basically electrolytes, amino acids, and carbohydrates. That sounds like something you should be using. I was telling John earlier. I recently used Leg Day by NeutroBio. Probably the best supplement I've used in a very, very long time. I'm definitely back on board with using carbs for a workout. And I think this would be perfect for a workout.

One thing that we were talking kind of before we kicked off this video. Stims are great, but it's just kind of that energy behind the eyes. I'm sure everybody can relate to. You go to the gym, you're all Stimmed out, but your body just feels lethargic, and that's kind of what the carbs are going to be for.

Yeah. Actually, my predecessor, a guy named Joe, always used to say this phrase, and it used to annoy me. Now it actually makes a lot of sense, and he's right. He would always talk about pre-workouts and then food. And he would say, "A pre-workout is the match that you throw into the fire, but the carbohydrates are the wood." The match is going to start the ignition, but you actually need something to keep the fuel burning, which actually makes a lot of sense. So a Stim is going to get you going, but you actually need carbohydrates to give you that sustained energy and actual power output.

A lot of the guys that we work with here are competitive cyclists and triathletes and things like that, and they're all huge fans of this product, so.

Can I squirt a little in your mouth?

Yeah, absolutely. That's what she said. And I brought out... I know when we were doing the bike rides last year, you were bringing these out a lot. Cliff's a popular brand. I'm sure a lot of people have tried these Cliff Energy Gummies. I think they come caffeinated and non-caffeinated, somewhat of a similar product. And we've got a hundred calories. A hundred calories. 24 grams of carbs.


23. 12 grams of sugar. What do we got in there?

Oh, seven.

Okay. So a little bit less sugar there. So, if you guys have tried these, and if you like these on bike rides. If you'd like to take these on a hike or something like that, very similar. I think this one has the aminos, is kind of the differentiator there.

Yeah. This has aminos, whereas that has caffeine. And one of our colleagues who does the bike races said that people on bikes prefer these because when you're on a bike and you're going fast, if you're trying to do these and you're doing it, the wind's hitting it and it's getting all over you. You can kind of chew these a lot easier, but if you're doing something a little bit slower, maybe running, you may want to opt for the liquid. The liquid is just going to hit you quicker. Yeah. And this is strawberry banana.

These come in... I think we've got a salted caramel.

We've got a ton of flavors.

A chocolate, a vanilla, a birthday cake.

Yeah. Yeah. We have a ton of flavors. I want these to be more popular. I'm hoping everyone kind of... Oh, you're just going for it right off the dome. Okay. Let's see here.

That's weird. It's good, but it's weird.

Oh, I don't mind that at all. That's pretty good.

Yeah. I can definitely see myself on a hike or something like that bringing one of these pouches.

Mm-hmm (affirmative) Definitely gooey. GU, duh.

I was going to sign up for one of these ultra marathons here, probably in the next couple of weeks, next couple months. And so something like this would be perfect for that.

Oh yeah. You need like quite a few bags of these, but yeah. So we've been talking about marathon runners, but our main demographic is bodybuilding. I'm sure if you're watching this channel, you came because you saw the pro hormones or videos we've done about questions we get or product reviews, and it's always bodybuilding-based. You can use this for a workout, and it's going to be effective. Most people want something like cyclo dextrin or something like that. Well, this is maltodextrin, and people do like maltodextrin. It still is a good carb for bodybuilding. So this is a great thing to use. There's no caffeine. Put it in the middle of your workout. You'll definitely notice a difference. I promise I've been the low-carb guy forever, but ever since I use Leg Day, I've been changing my tune. I really like carbs intra or right pre-workout. Really, really makes a big difference.

Well, Like you said, if you're doing a tough workout, you're going to burn through those carbs anyways.

Oh yeah, for sure. I think it's something like after every hour that you work out, you need... I don't want to make it up. There's a number out there, but it's going to be around like 30 to 60 carbs, I think. Once you work out for an hour, you want to replenish 30 to 60 cars, depending how you're working out. So this is perfect for that. Plus, the electrolytes go a long way. So we have a ton of different flavors. Check it out. It's GU Energy. G U. If you just type in GU in the search bar, it'll come up. You'll see all of them. Try it out. They're not that expensive. And they're pretty interesting. They're pretty unique. It's an easy thing to throw in your gym bag. You don't need a powder.

It's pretty good. You get 24 per pack. I mean, that's going to last you probably an entire month, if not longer.

Yeah. You get a ton. They're pretty heavy too. So yeah, if you guys have any questions about this, feel free to shoot us a message or leave us a comment, and we will gladly get back to you. All right. Thanks, guys.

Later guys.

May 20th 2023

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