
Hi Tech Halotestin All New ProHormone

Hi Tech Halotestin All New ProHormone

Video Transcription:

What's happening guys? John and Jeff here with Be sure to check us out at, follow us here on YouTube and other social media platforms. We got a TikTok, Instagram, all those. You're going to hear about new products we're bringing in here first. And we do a lot of the exclusive deals that you'll only find out about here. So be sure to follow us there. In today's video, we want to tell you about an all-new Hi-Tech prohormone called halotestin. Hi-Tech's referring to this one is the magical prohormone. This one's going to be great for power lifters and competitive athletes, but really any fitness enthusiast. Anybody looking to pack on some muscle can take this one and the benefits are going to be increased testosterone, increased mental wellbeing and a sense of wellbeing, improve libido and sex drive, aggression, and much more energy in the gym. So this one's referred to as kind of a stacking prohormone sort of in the same way that DecaBolin is depending on what you stack it with you can get different results. Whether you're looking to go for mass or just kind of cutting, getting more lean. And Jeff's going to kind of break down the all new halotestin for you guys.

Yes I am. So this halotestin has three different compounds. So the first compound is the 17beta. This is known as an anabolic progestin, it's very similar to 1-ANDRO or 1-Testosterone. So if you've taken 1-Testosterone before you know that it's great for cutting. It's great for strength. A lot of people will take it during the springtime. So that's one compound in that's in it. The second one is the 4-ANDRO. This is a great compound. It's sometimes called a wet gainer. It can cause a little bit of water retention just because it is for mass building. A lot of people will take this during the fall and winter when we're not so much caring about our weights. So it's great if that's your goal. The last one is the 3-beta. I'm not going to even try to pronounce it, but it's 3-beta hydroxy. I'm going to call it. This is also known as EPI-ANDRO. So this is another popular cutting prohormone. It's great for strength. It's great for lean gains. Vascularity is something that a lot of people have reported when taking it and last but not least it's great for sex drive. So these three compounds together, I think it's going to be a really popular prohormone.

Absolutely. Yeah.

You know, because there's, I don't think high tech doesn't have anything with these three [crosstalk 00:02:36]

No, these all together.

And, is it their first 17beta?

I believe this will be their first 17beta.


We haven't seen this one before in any of the Hi-Tech prohormones.

No. So if you're a fan of Hi-Tech prohormones and you want to try something new that hasn't been out by them before. This is definitely something to try, especially with that 17beta. So with this, how many weeks can they take it?

So I believe the bottle is going to last them a full month. So they can run a cycle. A lot of times we get people asking what to take on cycle or after their cycle. So on cycle, if people want, they can take the Arimistane and obviously the Liver-Rx and liver support, liver organ support. And then following any prohormone cycle, the Arimiplex, also from Hi-Tech. We should have this one in what I know we got it on the site right now.

Yeah, within a couple days it should be, here next week, we should have it. Yeah. We'll be the first company to have this new prohormone. So like John said, you can take it for four weeks. I would probably take it eight weeks. Which probably two bottles would cover that and then follow it with the Arimiplex for another four weeks. That will give you a great cycle, especially if you're looking for that strength that cutting, this is going to be a perfect compound for that.

And then maybe first go around, try this one by itself. Second go round, after that first cycle, they can start stacking it with either DecaBolin or depending on their goals, either going with another 4-Andro or a one.

That's perfect.

Yep. And yeah, this one is up on the site available right now. If you did want run the eight week cycle, we do give you $5 off each bottle when you buy two or more and we'll link right down below to where you can find this on our website and pick up a bottle today.

May 20th 2023

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