
Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals Primobolan The Strongest Anabolic Cutting Agent

Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals Primobolan The Strongest Anabolic Cutting Agent

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Hey, everybody. This is Jeff and Edwin from Best Price Nutrition, you can check us out at, where you can sign up for emails, you can sign up for SMS, be the first ones to find new products like Primobolan. You can also check us out on social media. We're on, I think, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, that's probably it. But lastly, right down below, there's a little bell, you can ring it and you can save it and you'll know every time that we come out with new videos, you'll be alerted. So today, we're going to talk about a brand new product, well, as of March 2022.

That we're in, yes.

Called Primobolan, this is Hi-Tech Pharmaceutical's newest prohormone. Looking off the bottle, easiest way, it increases nitrogen retention, it increases protein synthesis. It's for size, strength, muscle mass, and it's the strongest cutting anabolic agent according to Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals. But I've got Edwin here, who is the pro at not only explaining some of the ingredients in here, but actually sounding them out as well. So, Edwin can you give us an idea about what's in this product.

Yeah, I'm the pro at prohormones. So, the basic three ingredients that are in Primobolan, is the 1-Andro (DHEA), the 3-Beta-Hydroxy, and then the 6-Keto-Diosgenin, as well. So, 1-Andro (DHEA), basically just the 1-DHEA, so very similar to the 1-Testosterone that Hi-Tech has. Gets to your system, converts it into the 1-Testosterone that your body actually makes, which is the 1-DHEA that your body nitrogen makes. So, and then it works synergistically with the 3-Beta-Hydroxy, which is an Epi-Andro.

This one actually has the [XT? 00:01:53] form, which is actually a very fast acting form of it, so you'll actually kind of feel it a bit more rapidly, more than others. And then the 6-Keto is actually a DHEA metabolite, metabolite activate DHEA receptors to make sure that the 1-Andro was actually going to get absorbed and utilized properly by the body. And I mean, all three of them realistically, you get actually no conversion out of it, which is why it's a fantastic cutting agent. So, I really think this one can be taken as a standalone and works phenomenal, to be honest with you. Yeah, I mean, 50 milligrams per tablet as well, with the whole mixture of them, so, I mean-

And you get 50 milligrams per tablet and you're taking three per day. I know a lot of the other prohormones, I think are either one or two-

It's one or two, yeah.

A day. And this one, you take three a day. So, a whole bottle's going to last you a full month. You know, we usually recommend what, eight weeks? I think to stay on these things for.

Yeah, yeah, a general prohormone cycle you want to run about eight weeks. It's actually fully optimized, all the actual ingredients in there, making sure your body can actually recognize all of them, and then actually put them to use as well.

Okay. So yeah, so that will require two bottles. And because this is... it's more cutting agents in here, do you think a product like a Arimiplex would be required for this?

Personally, no, because like I said, you get no conversion out of any of the ingredients that are in here. So realistically, you don't have to worry about any excess water retention or any estrogen conversion at all. Because none of the compounds in you do actually convert into estrogen. If you want to take one to kind of cut off more of the water retention, I need the water weight, if you are worried about it, you can. Do I say is it needed? No.

Okay. But you should take the Arimiplex for four weeks afterwards, which is the PCT, should do that with a new prohormone. So, a good cycle then would be two bottles of this, eight weeks, followed by Arimiplex, with the PCT. And just finally just going overall, everything we talked about again, so this is going to be a great cutting prohormone for you. I guess you could call it a stack in one bottle. Perfect for spring, right now, it's not quite spring yet, but it's good, or summer. So if you're looking to cut down, probably getting that harder driver look-

Mm-hmm (affirmative).

This would be a great product to test out for you. Anything else we missing?

No, I mean, we've covered pretty much over everything.

Yeah. Again, don't have a lot of feedback on it yet, just because it's brand new, actually gotten to our warehouse this week. It's already selling, I think we sold 50 bottles already today. So it's doing very well, so if you're looking to cut for the summer, spring, Primobolin by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals.

May 20th 2023

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