
Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals Synadrene Hi-Tech's #1 Weight Loss Stimulant

Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals Synadrene Hi-Tech's #1 Weight Loss Stimulant

Video Transcription:

What's going on, guys? John and Jeff with Best Price Nutrition. Be sure to check out our website at Make sure to hit that Subscribe button down below, ring the bell, make sure you're notified of all of our future videos. We do a lot of giveaways. We have exclusive sales you'll only find out about here, and we let you guys know about new products that we're bringing in.

In today's video, we're going to be talking about a fan favorite, Hi-Tech Synadrene, one of Hi-Tech's most popular fat-burners, one of our most popular fat-burners. This one is finally back after a six or eight-month hiatus so people are going to be excited about this one.

Yeah. Yeah, I think so. I feel weird not having a bottle in my hand as well, but that's not because we don't have a lot of them.

Yeah, Synadrene is back. This has been popular for quite some time, but, like you said, it's been gone for, what, eight months, nine months?


Yeah. And I think the biggest thing in here that differentiates it from like the Lipodrene and the Stimerex is, is this one doesn't have ephedra.

Not only that, but even the formula. Like pretty much all the Hi-Tech family of fat burners all have very similar formulas. This one, I would say, is the most different out of any of them.

Correct, yeah. We do get a lot of questions. I want a product without ephedra, but, as John said, there's other differences so this is a good choice for that because it doesn't. But it does have the other stimulants that people love, one being DMHA and you discovered something about the DMHA on this one with the walnut, right?

Yeah. So a lot of people get confused about that ingredient. A lot of people are looking for DMHA, but as we've said in some other videos, it's called 2-aminoisoheptane, it's called Juglans Regia, it's called geranium extract, walnut extract. So in here we actually have two forms of DMHA, kind of a natural version and then the extract as well so the natural version being the walnut there.

Correct. Yeah, and it's got everything else that you like, it's got the caffeine in it, it's got the green tea extract. Let's see, it's got yohimbine in it.

Now it's part of a blend so we don't know exactly how much is in each one. I would imagine the caffeine between maybe 100 and 200 milligrams per?

You know what, and I've taken this one before and I'm not the biggest fan of yohimbine, but it's not noticeable to me. I don't get any of the anxiety or chills or anything like that so it seems to be a pretty small amount.

Okay. All right. And it's got the vitamin B12, vitamin B3, chromium, vitamin B6 and...

One of the things that Hi-Tech really points out in here is the sulbutiamine, which is a synthetic form of a B vitamin. It's supposed to be a nootropic, good for energy as well so that's one of the kind of highlighted ingredients that differentiate this one.

Gotcha. So all around, I mean, they talk about it being, I mean, the first thing they talk about is the mental focus. So as you mentioned, weight loss and energy aid, so all these different things is pretty much what you want in a fat-burner.

I think everybody compares everything to Lipodrene. Where would you stack this one up against Lipodrene?

I've only taken this probably a couple times and the big thing is I would say stick with Lipodrene, but if you want something maybe without the ephedra, go with a Synadrene product. But with this product, you can take one capsule up to three times per day, don't go over four. So probably take it, what, before breakfast, before lunch, before dinner.

Right. Yeah, maybe.

Dinner, maybe not so much if you-

I know a lot of people like to use as a pre-workout as well.

Correct. But both men and women can take it as well so yeah. So if you're looking for a powerful weight loss aid, energy, mind with DMHA in it, I think Synadrene is the way to go.


All right. Thanks, guys.

May 20th 2023

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