
Lenny & Larry's All New "The Boss Cookie"

Lenny & Larry's All New "The Boss Cookie"
Lenny & Larrys The Boss Cookie

Lenny & Larry's is one of the most popular and most widely known functional foods out there with their Lenny & Larry's Cookies. Well, the brand has recently announced an all new "The Boss Cookie" which promises to have more protein, while packing less carbs and less calories. While Lenny & Larry's Cookies are delicious, one thing they are often knocked for is the high calorie and high carb count, and many fans myself included, are a little annoyed that a cookie contains two servings, because who's going to eat only half of a delicious cookie?

The upcoming The Boss Cookie is going to feature 18 grams of protein, mainly from milk protein, which is only slightly higher than a full cookie or two servings of a traditional Lennny & Larry's Cookie. Where the big improvement comes in however is that the cookie will only pack 18 or 19 grams of carbs depending on flavor, where as the previous cookie featured 30 grams of carbs if you ate half of a cookie, or 59 grams of carbs if you ate a whole cookie. The calorie count will reportedly be 220 calories, and it will contain only a gram of sugar and 6 grams of fiber. 

What we aren't sure of as of yet is whether the nutritional information is based on a cookie being a single serving as it should be, or two servings as Lenny & Larry's previous cookies were. These all new Boss Cookies will roll out in three flavors including Chocolate Chunk which is a traditional chocolate chip cookie, Triple Chocolate Chunk a chocolate cookie with chocolate chunks, and Peanut Butter Chunk which appears to be a peanut butter cookie with peanut butter chips. 

No official release date has been given but these should be out sometime in the coming months. 

May 20th 2023

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