
LG Sciences Battle Hardener Kit Explained

LG Sciences Battle Hardener Kit Explained

Video Transcription:

How's it going guys? This is Brad and Jeff with Best Price Nutrition. Be sure to check out our website, Send for the email newsletter, where you can see all of our newest products, our deals, our giveaways, follow us on all social media and like and subscribe to this video and channel. Today, we're going to go over something that we've had a ton of requests for.


It's going to be the Andro kit, so we're going to have a series of these today. Today, which one are we doing?

We're doing the Battle Hardener.


So this one, basically from what's in it and this, you get that hard, dry look that a lot of people love during the, especially spring and summer. I love... you kind of have, I don't know what would you call the, it's like dryer. I don't know. It's the drier, harder-


Striated, yes.


Yes. You get very lean and it's perfect for summer.

The opposite of any fluff or puffing it basically.


There's like no water on your skin, basically.



Yeah. It's an easy way to get the abs, and they came out with a kit just for that.

Yeah. There's a cutting, a bulking trifecta in the battle harder. I think this would be like a recon one. Like lose weight and put on muscle... Or lose fat and put on muscle at the time.

Yeah. Exactly. And this is a six-week kit. So the nice thing about these is that it has everything you need. A lot of people will buy separate prohormones, they have a lot of about it. Do you have to buy your PCT? Do you need a anti... How do we say that?

Aromatase inhibitor?


Estrogen blocker, same thing.

Exactly. This gives you everything you need in one box. So very easy, especially for a beginner, if you want everything laid out for you.

Yeah. It's pretty foolproof, too. On the back it shows week 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, what you take of compound one, what you take of compound two, what you take of three. How many times per day, what weeks do you do it. Very, very foolproof.

Yes. But we do still get questions about it.

It's not totally foolproof, I guess.

But, so what's in this thing?

Okay. So there is going to be a pBold, a 17-Proandro, and FORM-XT. So the easiest one to go over FORM-XT, that's going to be your PCT. Basically, it has some Arimistane in there, which is an AI, an aromatase inhibitor, Resveratrol, and Epicatchin. Resveratrol is just kind of like a generalized health supplement, I think it has some heart health benefits. The Epicatchin is going to be a non-hormonal muscle builder, so it's going to help you kind of not lose gains while you're going through your PCT, give you a little boost still, while not being a prohormone.

Yeah. And Epicatchin, I like that it's in here, it's one thing I take year round just because it is all natural. They put it in here. So it is a very good I noticed, of course in the muscle building aspect of it, but recovery as well.

Yeah. So the pBold, that's going to have two ingredients. One of them is Epicatchin, so you do get that pretty much through the entirety of the cycle. And then the other thing is 17beta-[1-ketoethyl]-androsta-1,4.

Nice job with that.

Thank you. Basically. It is a 1,4 Andro, which converts to boldenone, it's in a lot of bulking cycles. Really it's just something to put on a good amount of muscle, so that's like the muscle growing one, it's really not anything for cutting. You really want to use this by itself if you want it to cut. But that's where the next one is going to come in, that's 17-Pro Andro. That's going to have Epicatchin in it, and it also has a prohormone in there that converts to DHT, which is dihydrotestosterone. Which kind of would be the cutting one, which is where you kind of get like the recomp idea. DHT has no aromatization, and it is, I think like four or five times stronger than testosterone, as far as being anabolic. So it is very, very good at muscle building too, but it's really not a bulking compound at all. It is going to be there to give you that triangle.

Yeah. But it is a well balanced product.

Yeah, it definitely is.

So this is one thing 21 and over, says right on the box. I think the older you are, the better it's probably going to work, as well.

Yeah. For sure.

So one question we get, I know some people will take prohormones longer than like the four weeks. Like this is a six-week cycle. How would they do... Let's say they want to do a full eight weeks, what's the best way to...

Extend this?

Extend it.

If you wanted to get two boxes of this, basically what you would do is, do the pBold and the 17-Pro Andro for weeks one through eight, and then do the FORM-XT for week eight through 11? 12?

11? Week 8, week 9, week 10...

8, 9, 10, 11, yeah. So weeks eight through 11, you do your PCT, one through eight or... Yeah, one through eight.


Okay, yeah. One through eight, you would do the pBold and the 17-Pro. And week eight is the overlap where you're going to have the prohormones as well as the PCT, because they do want you to have a week of overlap then.

Yep, exactly. So that would give you a full eight weeks. That's what I would recommend. I mean, I know this is just in one box, but I would recommend getting two of these to go a full eight weeks because that's where you're going to see most of the results. You want to maximize your experience on taking the prohormones, because you're going to have to take a break from it. So might as well get as much out of it as you can.

Yeah. We just had a customer today who came in, who was getting different prohormones. He said he was at like the week three or four of what he was on, and came in to get more. Because that's when he finally started seeing things started to hit, start to peak, and he kind of wanted to extend that for a little bit. So that is a good idea to try to do two months because right when these things kick in is kind of at the tail end of it. So getting two months, will give you peak levels for quite some time.

Okay. So I did the eight weeks, I'm about finished with my PCT. Should I wait before starting another one, or what is your recommendation for that?

So the rule of thumb is however long you're on the prohormone parts, that's how long you would want to be off. So if you're on the prohormones for two months, and then you do two months of a PCT, you're probably good to go to start again. Usually with prohormones, it's going to be, you do all of your prohormones and then like a month of PCT. But if you're going to do the kits, you're going to have two months either way, you might as well just run the PCTs all the way out.

Excellent. All right. Yeah, so everything you need's in here, don't have to worry about taking any other things on... This is got everything you need.

All in one, yeah. So, and you do actually, if you were to get all these separately, it would cost a lot more. So getting them bundled up like this is a really good idea because it does save you some money in the long run.

Yep. All right.

And if you guys have any questions, feel free to leave us a comment, or call us or send us an email. We'll all get back to you soon as we can.

Thanks, guys.


May 20th 2023

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