
Now Carrying MRI Performance Supplements Black Powder, NO2 Black and More

Now Carrying MRI Performance Supplements Black Powder, NO2 Black and More

Video Transcription

All right, what's going on, guys? It is Brad and John with the Best Price Nutrition YouTube channel.

It's been awhile.

It has been awhile. It's been like two plus months. We've been very, very busy. We were very short-staffed. So couldn't really do these videos, but now we are fully staffed. We're back up and running so you're going to start seeing these videos pump out again. That being said, since it's been awhile, if anything has come up that you guys have any questions about, always leave it in the comments. We'll definitely check them and make videos about whatever we can that you guys want to know about.

And since the last video we brought in a lot of new brands.

We have. A lot of new brands, a lot of new products from brands we already carry.

What are some of the new brands? We brought in [Apollen 00:00:40] MRI,

Bomer Nutrition. There's been a [crosstalk 00:00:46].

We'll have a lot of videos coming out in the near future. And as always, if you guys have suggestions for brands you'd like to see, drop a comment down below and we'll see what we can do.

Yeah, absolutely.

So this is actually a brand. There may be videos about it from the old crew, but if you guys have been fans of the company or the channel for a long time, you may remember this brand. We used to carry it a long time ago. MRI. We recently brought them back on. We've got their pre-workout, their non-stim pre-workout, and also their protein. We're actually going to try out the protein today, but we're also going to go over the labels of the new products we got. The pre-workout is called Black Powder. And then what is the non-stim?

The non-stim. I'm actually really excited to try the non-stim. Non-stim is NO2 Black.

Yeah. I mean, when we were looking at it earlier, it actually looks pretty good. If you want to start mixing this up, I'll go over it. And what's the flavor we got in the protein?

So in the protein we got lava cake.

Okay. So for the black powder pre-workout I'm going to go over the label here quickly. There is pretty much a full serving, and this is also 60 scoops by the way, which is a lot. And you can do it by the one or two.

If you do one scoop, you get four grams of creatine monohydrate, two grams of beta alanine, 1500 milligrams of creatine magna power. So you're getting your full, at least full five grams of creatine in there. You're getting a gram of betaine which is an [osmolite 00:02:17], which is really, really good. Taurine, agmatine, you're going to get choline, tyrosine, AlphaSize, which is alpha GPC, like trademark version, and 150 milligrams of L-Theanine. You're getting a nice [nutropic 00:02:29] blend. And then of the actual caffeine, you're only getting 100 milligrams of caffeine, 75 milligrams of elevATP, which is like an energy thing. 37.5 milligrams of di-caffeine malate. 12.5 milligrams of caffeine citrate. So this isn't going to be something that's going to make you all tweaky and spazz out. That's actually pretty low stim, but it's fully loaded to give you a lot of athletic benefit and focus. And then there's also 100 milligrams of activated charcoal and 2.5 milligrams of black pepper extract.

So again, it's not crazy, crazy strong, but it's really, really good for workouts. It has creatine. It has [nutropics 00:03:10], it has energy production things. It's really, really, really good.

What else? What kind of flavors we got in there?

So we have, and I hate to take apart your tower that you made, but we've got gunpowder, cocoberry boom, which actually sounds pretty good. It's like coconut and strawberry.

Do you think that's like a freedom pop?

Yeah. That makes sense. I didn't even think about that.

And then cherry bomb.

You know what? As soon as I opened this up and got hit with the whiff of it, what was that diet shake that like moms and grandmas used to drink? Like back in-

Slim Fast. Yes!

Whenever I was a kid and there were no sweets in the house, I would drink my mom's Slim Fast.

Yeah. For sure. That's what I would do too. It'd make my mom's so mad.

Let's see here.

Yeah. It kind of smells like a Nesquik, almost.

Yeah. I'm curious to see. I know a lot of people put a spin on chocolate, but it all just [inaudible 00:03:59]. So I'll be curious to see if this is kind of unique.

We have a brick and mortar brand that I won't mention, but they had like a pro-tella, like a Nutella version. Any then you also have a chocolate version, and they taste exactly the same to me.

And you just gave it away.

This looks good. This looks thick. It's like a SlimFast shake with some protein.

Our moms would be proud.

Let's see here. Just got out the top.

Very foamy.

That is insane. I was going to say, I really feel like thats-

It has this much protein, and this much foam.

You know what? Let's let it sit. And we'll go over the other things because that is crazy.

I've never seen a protein foam like that.

So this one, everyone around the office has been excited about the NO2 Black. And we were reading about this one before we came in. I know your personal favorite pump is the 'Merica Labz Stars 'N Pipes, but this one might give it a run for its money. So what we got here? It can be taken as a one or two scoop serving. I'll read you out the two scoops. We got 80 milligrams of sodium, 250 milligrams of vitamin C, 8000 milligrams of L-Citrulline. We got some Hydromax branded [L-glycerol 00:05:12], 3000 milligrams. We got nitrosigine, numbers say that one, 2000 milligrams of a patented branded arginine, 1500 milligrams of ornithine, 1000 milligrams of agmatine. And then we got S7. I always get S7 mixed up with that mushroom blend. But this is green coffee bean, green tea, tart cherry, blueberry, broccoli, kale. And that's kind of interesting. Activated charcoal. Is that instead of the bio parent?

No. Because it's in here, and I don't really know exactly what that's for. Kind of confused on that. Maybe that stops with what the topic of one of our other videos will be.

Yeah, okay.

You know what I'm saying?


Maybe that is what that is. It's kind of like to soak it up. So it doesn't like make you shit your pants?


I don't know.

Yeah. Because it does kind of like binds you up.


If your pre-workout makes you poop, this one-

Yeah. It might be it. I wonder if it says why it's in there. It doesn't, that's got to be what it is.

That makes sense to me.

Are these the same flavors we got out? We got a jacked juice, which looks like some type of a tropical fruit punch. Sour pixie pump, that one looks tasty. Black razzy ripped. And swoleberry.

Pretty cool names.

It's kind of unique. Strawberry coconut. I haven't seen that combo before.

And one thing to note, these are like heavy tubs. These are like, well over a pound.

I mean, it's a huge tub too.

I guess if you take the one scoop serving, it's 60 scoops. So yeah, you'd get two months out of this.

Even if you do it off the ones scoop, you're still getting four grams of L-citrulline, and that's a lot. A gram and a half of glycerol, that's okay. And all of the stuff you're getting, it's not bad. Like if you're just starting out and you just want to buy one product to last a while, get this for your pump product because you can get by with one scoop, you probably don't need two scoops until you're more advanced and you know what you like, but one scoop of this is fine.

Let's see [crosstalk 00:07:10].

I think this is kind of settled now. Is this a whey? Is this a whey isolate? What do we got going on here?

So what this is, it's a whey protein isolate hydrolysate. It a whey protein isolate. And so it's just a pure isolate. It's pretty clean too. It's just those two things. Cocoa powder, natural flavoring, which can be like anything xanthan gum and surculose. So it's a pretty big basic. And every scoop is 25 grams of protein, one gram of fat, and three grams of carbs. Less than one of them is fiber. So pretty much three grams of carbs.

It is good.

Yeah, it's good.

It's just a chocolate, but it's a really solid chocolate.

Yeah. And especially for an isolate. It's not so watery, it's not super creamy, but it's like a good flavor.

I was going to say, I;m getting a good mouth-feel there.


I does feel like some coconut milk or almond milk or even real milk.

For sure.

Yeah. So we don't have all of the proteins in now, but keep an eye on this whole line. We definitely have the pre-workouts we've got a good amount in, and we expect it to go fast because this is a pretty popular brand as is.

I think this protein is new, right?

It's brand new. We're probably the first people with it. So keep your eyes out on this, on the pre-workouts, on the pump stuff. If you're interested in any of it, pick it up. We could probably do a discount code.

How about first five people to see the discount code?

Yeah, we'll do the first five people get 15% off. The code MRI 15.

That works.

So at first five people who see this, if you want to try one of these out. 15% off, that goes a long way. Try it out. And then once you do try it out, leave a comment and give us like a review on it. So, you know, leave a comment and us know how you like it. I think that's pretty much it, yeah?

I'm excited to if next time we get a sample cup of this, I think we would give this-

Yeah, absolutely.

Definitely. So leave comments, subscribe to the YouTube channel, go to and sign up for our email newsletter. You'll find out when we do giveaways, new products, sales, flash sales, you'll find out all of that stuff. We're always doing something, trying to save you guys money anywhere we can. So sign up for that. And I think that's about it. You got anything else?

That's all I got.

All right. Thanks guys.

See you guys later.

May 20th 2023

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