
Purus Labs Reveals an RTD Version of NoxyGen Pre-Workout

Purus Labs Reveals an RTD Version of NoxyGen Pre-Workout
Purus Labs NoyxGen RTD Preworkout

Purus Labs took to Instagram yesterday to announce an all new RTD or Ready to Drink version of their NoxyGen Pre-Workout. For those not familiar with NoxyGen it's a powdered pump pre-workout which contains Sodium, Glycerol, and a NoxyGen Blend of Pump ingredients like Sodium Nitrate and Betaine Nitrate. 

In their Instagram post they announced that their NoxyGen Pump + Energy RTD Pre-Workout is almost ready to launch. While the powdered preworkout didn't contain any caffeine or stimulants, it appears the RTD Version will contain some caffeine or stimulants as they refer to it as a Pump + Energy preworkout. 

While the official formula hasn't been released we do know the flavors that NoxyGen RTD will be available in, it will initially roll out in three flavors including Cherry Lime, Galaxy Blue Raspberry, and a Classic Fruit Punch. It will come in 12 ounce bottles and most likely will be sold in 12 packs. We'll bring you more info as we learn more about Purus Labs upcoming RTD preworkout drink. 

May 20th 2023

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