
RAZE Reveals Their Upcoming Fat Burner RAZE Heat

RAZE Reveals Their Upcoming Fat Burner RAZE Heat
RAZE Heat Fat Burner

Within the last year or two longtime supplement brand REPP Sports rolled out their RAZE Energy Drinks. While REPP Sports is a great brand, RAZE has much better and more modern branding and the energy drinks are fabulous and the line has really taken off. RAZE eventually rolled out their RAZE Cakes functional protein food, and followed it up with RAZE Pre-Workout which is a powdered version of the RAZE Energy Drinks. For a while we've been suspecting that REPP Sports was looking to transition RAZE into a full sports nutrition supplement brand and it looks like that is underway. Last week RAZE announced RAZE Mass Caps an all new muscle building supplement, and yesterday the brand announced Broken Arrow, REPP Sports flagship preworkout was being shifted over to the RAZE brand along with a new Lemon Italian Ice Flavor they're borrowing from RAZE Energy Drinks.

Well today we've learned about another all new product coming from RAZE. The all new supplement is called RAZE Heat and it's a non-stimulant fat burner that also looks to be taking some flavors from RAZE Energy Drinks including the popular Baja Lime and Sour Rainbow flavors. That's about all we know for now, but we'll keep you updated as we learn more about RAZE Heat as well as any other new additions to the RAZE product line-up. 

May 20th 2023

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