
What is Gotu Kola?

What is Gotu Kola?
What is Gotu Kola?


Gotu Kola is also known as Cantella Asiatica, it's also sometimes referred to as Indian Pennywort, and it's a flowering perennial plant that is part of the Apiaceae family which is found in New Zealand and the West Pacific. Gotu Kola has long been a staple in both Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as Ayurvedic Medicine with practitioners claiming it can boost cognitive function, heal skin issues, promote kidney and liver health and it's also known for being the "longevity" flower. More recently however Gotu Kola has become a popular subject of TikTok videos where TikTokers tout it's Nootropic benefits. In today's post we'll be discussing Gotu Kola, what it is, the benefits, and answering other commonly questions about Gotu Kola. 


Gotu Kola is believed to have a host of benefits from supporting longevity to boosting kidney and liver health to promoting healthy skin and even improved memory and concentration. In terms of boosting cognitive function which many on TikTok are using it for, one 2016 study found that subjects taking 1000mg of Gotu Kola per day saw improved cognition and improved memory after taking 1000mg per day for 14 days. 

Gotu Kola is also believed to help users deal with anxiety and stress. Another study conducted in 2016 found that goto kola had an anti-anxiety effect on mice and found that mice that took gotu kola experienced significantly less anxiety like behavior after sleep deprivation compared to mice which were not given goto kola. Other studies have examined goto kola as an antidepressant. A 2016 study found in which subjects were asked to take goto kola in place of their antidepressant found that users self reported less stress, anxiety, and depression. 

Other benefits which have been studied regarding goto kola including it's ability to improve circulation, ease insomnia, reduce the appearance of stretch marks, and speed up wound healing. 


Gotu Kola is generally well tolerated with few side effects. In some cases taking gotu kola can result in headaches, upset stomach and dizziness, however taking a low dose and working your way up should help you avoid side effects. 


Gotu Kola should not be taken by women who are pregnant and/or breastfeeding or anyone who has hepatitis or liver disease, has a surgery scheduled within the next two weeks, or anyone with a history of skin cancer. 


It depends on what you're taking Gotu Kola for. In a study which was observing the cognitive benefits of goto kola results were seen in under 14 days, however among those who took goto kola to improve blood circulation, results were seen somewhere between weeks 4 and 8 of taking goto kola. 


The social media platform Tik Tok has a tendency to blow things up and to make them go viral. This has happened to a number of unlikely supplements and ingredients in the past including Slippery Elm, Chlorophyl and others. Recently the Tik Tok community has begun going crazy over Goto Kola, mainly for it's Nootropic benefits as well as it's benefits for skin. If you'd like to see what Tik Tok has to say about Goto Kola CLICK HERE to view TikTok videos on the subject. 


We sell Goto Kola supplements right here at Some of the Goto Kola supplements we sell are single ingredient Goto Kola supplements from brands like Solaray and Now Foods, however we also sell a number of blends which contain Goto Kola, things like Solaray Circulegs, Irwin Naturals Healthy Hair Skin and Nails, Life Extension Quick Brain Nootropic, and others. 

Solaray Gotu Kola 450mg 100 Capsules


Solaray Gotu Kola 450mg 100 Caps - Cellulite Support & Blood Circulation As Seen On Tv Customers: This Gotu Kola supplement supplies 450mg per 2 capsules. The recommendations to take 1 serving before you go to bed with a meal or glass of water. This bottle will then last you 50 days. Looking for a way to fight cellulite in the evenings? Take Gotu Kola Supplement right before bed. It can reduce some of the appearance of the cellulite by improving elasticity of the skin. Gotu Kola has so many diff ...

Now Foods Gotu Kola 450 Mg 100 Capsules


Now Foods Gotu Kola 450mg 100 Capsules Now Foods Gotu Kola 450mg 100 Capsules is a herbal supplement that is also a dietary supplement. Gotu Kola is actually a perennial plant that is native to India, Africa, China and the South Pacific. Gotu Kola doesn't contain any caffeine and is not related to kola nuts once so ever. Now Foods Gotu Kola Product Highlights May Help Boost Cognitive Function Used to Treat Anxiety & Stress Many Find Gotu Kola Acts as an Antidepressant May Help Promote Sleep Dire ...

John has years worth of experience working in the nutrition and supplement industry and has been working out and weight training since his teens. His other areas of expertise are SEO and Digital Marketing and when he's not in front of a screen John enjoys exploring the outdoors hiking and paddleboarding. 

May 20th 2023

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