

Video Transcription:

Hello again everybody, this is John and Glenn with the Best Price Nutrition. Today, we're actually doing this video and it's purely because we get a lot of questions, and there's a lot of searches, about this particular habit. Which are the dangers and side effects, if you want to call it that, I don't like the word side effects, I think if it's an effect, it's an effect, that's more of a marketing thing, of whey protein. I was a little surprised by it, but we do get a lot of questions about it, and so we thought we would do something maybe to dispel some myths and rumors and well, I mean, the fact of the matter is, it's protein. It's not something that's just made up in a lab. Want to explain the source?

Yeah, this says whey protein, or I've heard some people call it wee, but it's actually pronounced way, it comes from milk, inside of milk, or actually milk that comes from cows or goats.

Well any species, any mammal basically that's making a milk. It's going to have a casein and whey.

80% is casein and 20% is whey. For years, the cheese industry was just throwing away whey. They didn't know what to do with it. It was essentially, like if you open up a cottage cheese or yogurt, that white film on the top, that's what whey is. And for years they were throwing away and then one day they decided to look into what it is and found out that whey's very good for you, contains a lot of immune system enhancing


Immunoglobulins. And they found it's also very good because it's a complete protein. The bodybuilding community has embraced it because it's low calories, it's a high end branched chain amino acids. So here we have... Now whey is probably the most popular, most widely used protein out there.

Yeah, the amino acid profile is very favorable. I think before whey was out, we thought egg was kind of the gold standard. So it got the, with the biological values score of a 100 and then whey came around and actually exceeded 100. And that's kind of where that comes from. As he said, it's rich and BCAAs, it's very easy to digest. Now there's different forms of whey. There's whey isolates and whey concentrates, so if somebody is lactose intolerance, you want to stick with a whey protein isolate then because they're going to isolate the protein, they're going to filter out the fat and the lactose. A concentrate is going to have a little bit of that lactose leftover typically, and the vast majority of people are going to be fine with it. A lot of them add lactase to it.

And really the thought is that the inability to digest lactose isn't... You're not bound to that fate. A lot of the times, it's been a lot of research has been done with people's gut floors and found that we're just missing some of the probiotics that you need to actually break it down, because it's the bacteria that can break down for you. So that's another thing to consider, but like I said, whey, it's very light, if you ever mix it up it's very liquidy, it's easy to digest. There's... We even have had customers that, they have children who won't drink milk or won't take protein, they'll make them protein shakes. So it's protein, there's not some secret here. This isn't somebody just formulating in a lab, you actually have to have a real, raw material, which in this case, would be the cheese by-product that was being thrown out.

It was by-product because they were throwing it out and now we actually have found a use for it. What are some of the myths or rumors that you hear about the dangers? I mean just protein use in general

Yeah, protein use in general.

People think it's going to liquefy kidneys or something like that, which is just ridiculous. There's absolutely no research to support it. They've actually done research with people doing, I mean, eight grams of protein per pound of body weight, which is putting unnecessary, you'd never have to reach those levels. But even then, unless you have some sort of pre-existing kidney condition, you're going to be fine. We don't recommend taking eight grams of protein, that's a lot.

Yeah, it is true that protein, in of itself, is a large molecule and it has to pass through the kidneys. But like John was saying that they've done research on it to show that you can take enormous amounts of protein and for a normal person who doesn't have a kidney element, taking in a lot of protein is not going to harm them. As long as you drink it of water, it'll easily flush through the kidneys and you won't have a problem.

If you read most research, I mean, typically you're looking at anywhere between three quarters and a full gram of protein per pound of body weight is what's going to be recommended. It's not, you're going to be this eight grams or something silly like that. So you're fine, that's a complete myth. I challenge anybody to find actual peer reviewed human studies that document any such thing, so that's just not the case. Other things, whey protein with people have said. Yeah. I mean, unless you have some extreme food allergy, and even then I think a lot of people... I think there's a lot of hyperbole out there too about that, I think.

I think a lot of people too, also think, oh, is whey protein going to make me bulky? Or is protein going to make me bulky in general? I would get a lot of questions like that from women.

Women, especially, yes.

And you know, I mean, no, it's not going to do that. At first of all, with women, they don't contain the hormones to make them bulky or [crosstalk 00:04:39]

The ones you're thinking of are on steroids. If you're, that's what you're thinking, you're going to look like. Because a lot of our male clientele try and look very muscular and some of them don't succeed and they're taking a lot of protein, because there's some other factors that have to come into play, you have to workout hard, and other things like that. And also the more muscle you have, the more fat you'll burn. So for women, it's to put on more muscle, it's a good thing, you're not going to turn into He-Man or anything like that, just from taking in a protein shake, so.

Yeah, protein in general, there's something called the thermic effect of food, which means how much, how many calories, your body expends breaking something down and protein has the highest thermic effect, meaning that by taking in protein, you're burning calories because the process of actually breaking it down into a usable form, breaking up the peptide chains is very... Causing your body to use a lot of calories.

There's a metabolic cost to it. And then your body has to take that protein and amino acids and make body protein. So when you look at a person, you're basically looking at a blob of protein. Your skin is collagen, your muscles are actin and myosin, and your hair is keratin. Those are all proteins. If we put somebody on a desert island and we gave them carbohydrates and water they'll die, however, if we gave them, protein and water, you'd be okay. Make sure you get some vitamins and stuff too so you don't get scurvy and things like that, but there's no such thing as an essential carbohydrate. However, there are such things essential protein, essential amino acids. So, the other concern that sometimes comes into play with proteins, whey in this case, would be the sweeteners. Again, people think that if they have an artificial sweetener, the things are going to happen.

That's fine. We don't have the long-term research on it, so it's kind of buyer beware. I think there's worse things you can do than take a little sucralose or... Nobody's really using aspartame anymore, but there are naturally sweetened ones too, if that's a concern. So you can even get by that. But most of them don't really have that much sucralose in there, and there's been zero research has shown that there's anything bad about sucralose as far as we've seen in terms of documented peer reviewed, not stuff on nutty websites. I mean, so please don't post those because, not interested in reading them unless the peer review itself. We'll save you that time. So I think we covered everything, I can't really think of anything, as far as.

I mean, whey protein's safe, it's been used for years, not only by the bodybuilding community, but in the medical community. I have... None of us have ever had a side effect or anything from whey, so it's a pretty safe.

Yeah, so. If you find one that doesn't agree with your system, then try something else, but whey is usually going to be one of the most easily digestive proteins. So, if you have any questions, please feel free to post them in the comments section of the video or in our blog. Also, you can visit us at Thank you.

Jul 27th 2021

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