

Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals MuscleVite Multivitamin

Video Transcription:John:Hey guys, John and Jeff here with Best Price Nutrition. Visit the website at today's video, we're going to be looking at Hi-Tech MuscleVite, and I'm surprised we haven't done a video on this one already. Hi-Tech has two multivitamins that are a little bit more focused towards active lifestyles and athletes in men, Testovite and MuscleVite.So we did Testovite. You can check out that video, we'll link to it down below for you to see as well. That …
Aug 9th 2024
The Ultimate Guide to Mullein Leaf Supplements

The Ultimate Guide to Mullein Leaf Supplements

What is Mullein Leaf?Mullein Leaf comes from the Verbascum THapsus Plant and has been a staple in traditional and homeopathic medicine for centuries. Going back to Ancient Roman Healers and Native American Herbalists, Mullein Leaf has long been prized for its theraputic properties, in particular it's ability to treat respiratory ailments. Mullein Leaf has seen a huge rise in popularity recently as more people turn towards natural and holistic approaches to health and as the benefits of mull …
Aug 8th 2024 John Frigo
The Ultimate Guide to Sea Moss: Benefits, Uses and More

The Ultimate Guide to Sea Moss: Benefits, Uses and More

What is Sea Moss?Sea moss, also know as Irish Moss or the scientific name Chondrus Crispus, is a type of red algae found along the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean, particularly in Ireland, North America and the Caribbean. Sea Moss has a gelatinous texture and ranges in color from green to tan to yellow and even more vibrant colors like red and purple. Sea Moss is rich in nutrients, boosts immune function, supports thyroid function, digestion and has a host of other benefits which is why it has long …
Jul 29th 2024 John Frigo

The Ultimate Guide to Smelling Salts

Smelling Salts have been used as a medicinal tool going back to the 13th Centruty when they were used to prevent or as a remedy to fainting. Since then however Smelling Salts have fallen out of favor in most medical circles. Smelling Salts are however often used in Sports to awaken a player who's been knocked unconcious, this is where most of you have probably seen smelling salts, they are commonly given to baseball players, hockey players and boxers and MMA fighters to bring them back awake …
Jul 29th 2024 BigCommerce

Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Andriol Frequently Asked Questions

Video Transcription:John:Hey guys, John and Jeff here with Best Price Nutrition. You can check out the website at And today we're going to be talking about Andriol. This is Hi-Tech's newest pro-hormone. We've done a couple videos of this one in the past, but you had spoken to some of the guys over at Hi-Tech, got a little bit of clarification over the best uses, best practices for this one, how it differs from some of the other four Adriols. We're just going to clarify a …
Jul 11th 2024

Can You Split Hi-Tech Prohormone & Fat Burner Tablets in Half Will it Affect Cyclosome Delivery

Video Transcription:John:Hey, guys. John and Jeff here with Best Price Nutrition. You can check out the website at, and in today's video we're going to be answering one of the most common questions that we get from you guys through chats, calls, emails. If you guys ever have questions about any of the products, but in particular some of the more complicated ones, Prohormones and things like that, feel free to give us a call, drop us an email, shoot us a chat on the site. W …
Jul 11th 2024

Panda X V1 Nutra Pandamus Preworkout 3 Stim Levels Available

Video Transcription:John:Hey, guys. John and Jeff here with Best Price Nutrition. Be sure to check out the website at We're excited about today's video. You guys have been huge fans of the Panda collaborations, BlackMarket Labs, Condemned Labz, another two or three on this. Merica Labz. Jeff: Merica Labz, yep.John:And this newest one is with V1 Nutra. What's really unique about this one is rather than just one option, they got three different levels. Choose your stim le …
Jul 11th 2024

Panda Supps Pump Juice Non-Stim Liquid Pump Pre-Workout

Video Transcription:John:Hey guys, John and Jeff here with Best Price Nutrition. You can visit the website at And today we're covering another supplement from probably one of the most popular categories right now, the Liquid Pump supplements. Haven't really been around that long, but have become hugely popular and they are faster acting and more bioavailable than their powdered counterparts. Jeff: And before I would've probably thought it was marketing talk, it was more …
Jul 3rd 2024

Allmax Arachondonic Acid Product Overview

Video Transcription:John:Hey guys, John and Jeff here with Best Price Nutrition. Visit the website at And in today's video, we're going to be talking about a popular but lesser known supplement, arachidonic acid. This is present in probably a lot of your favorite muscle building supplements, and we have carried a couple standalones, but cool to see that Allmax has put out an arachidonic acid. They put out a few single ingredients, they have [inaudible 00:00:25] now, berbe …
Jul 3rd 2024

What To Stack With Hi-Tech 1-Testosterone

Video Transcription:Jeff:Hey guys, this is Jordan and Jeff from We had a lot of questions lately, and we were asked to do a video of the different prohormones that we'd recommend stacking with 1-Testosterone. It's early summer here in Chicago, and a lot of people are cutting and they want to know what should I stack for to get nice and cut, to get lean and still build some lean muscle mass on top of that. So we wanted to put together our four favorite prohormones to talk …
Jun 28th 2024

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